
8 Traditional Dance to Welcome Guests from Various Provinces

Have you ever wondered if there is any traditional dance to welcome guests in Indonesia? The archipelago contains so many tribes that come with different cultures. That makes sense if their traditional dance is different as well.

Most traditional dances in Indonesia are made from the local culture of traditional villages in Indonesia. One of the ways every tribe moves to maintain a good relationship with others is through traditional dance.

Not surprisingly, that traditional dance to welcoming guests in Indonesia is pretty popular. This kind of thing becomes an unwritten rule in Indonesia for welcoming guests.

Are you wondering what kind of traditional dance to welcome guests from various provinces in Indonesia? Here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Pendet dance

Pendet dance is one of the traditional dances to welcome guests that originally come from Bali. The province is dominated by the Balinese tribe the richest in Hinduism. That makes sense of their traditional dance influenced by Hinduism.

Whether it is for official or unofficial events, most people can watch the dance often during welcoming guest events. The dance even performs beautifully to welcome guests for international events such as the conference of G20 in Bali.

Even the Pendet dance used to create for sacred ritual in the Pura, but as time goes locals made it the traditional dance to welcome guests.

2. Merak dance

Merak dance is one of the traditional dances to welcome guests that originally come from West Java. The dance has first performed to welcome guests during the conference of Asia-Africa in 1955.

The movement of the Merak dance is inspired by the movement of the peacock. The slow movement created an elegant movement from the dancer. It influences beauty and kindness in welcoming guests.

Not surprisingly, the Merak dance is perfect to perform for welcoming guests at various events.

3. Gambyong dance

Gambyong dance is one of the traditional dances to welcome guests that originally come from Central Java. This kind of dance has a slow movement performed by women. It represents the kind of welcoming guests of common traditional dance from Central Java.

Gambyong dance is one of the famous classic traditional dances In most official events in Central Java, this dance performs often. The history record that this dance used to perform for welcoming the harvest season.

As time goes by, the Gambyong dance performs as a welcoming dance to bring the hope of having a good relationship.

4. Selamat Datang dance

Selamat Datang dance is one of the traditional dances to welcoming guests that originally come from Papua. Such as the name that represents welcoming guests, this dance performs happily by the dancer that sings along together.

Selamat Datang dance commonly performs to honor the guests. One of the dancers will give a unique necklace and make the guest wear it. That means if locals already accepted the guests to come to their area within most isolated tribes in Indonesia.

Selamat Datang dance is usually performed at the agreement of the chief in the local tribes in Papua.

5. Tidi Lo’o Ayabu dance

Tidi Lo’o Ayabu is one of the traditional dances to welcome guests that come from Gorontalo on Sulawesi Island. The dance contains a colorful uniform with a joyful movement. It represents the happiness of welcoming the guests from a common traditional dance from Gorontalo.

Tidi Lo’o Ayabu is not only performed to welcome guests but also to celebrate some Indonesian wedding traditions. The happiness that brings from the dancer influences joy to the guests.

Tidi Lo’o Ayabu contains around 14 movements. The most iconic movement is when the dancer slides their scarf. It means to break the things that hold the relationship.

6. Sekapur Putih dance

Sekapur Putih dance is one of the traditional dances to welcome guests that originally come from Jambi. This kind of dance is usually performed by ten to twelve dancers, mostly dominated by nine women.

Sekapur Putih is a pretty popular dance for the honoring guest when coming to another region. One of the dancers will offer the betel to the guest, and the guest should eat the betel.

Once the betel takes and eaten by the guest, it means that they are already accepted to come by locals.

7. Persembahan dance

Persembahan dance is one of the traditional dances to welcome guests that originally come from Riau. This kind of dance looks similar to the Sekapur Sirih dance which the dancers offer the betel to the guests.

As the province is influenced by the Malay tribe, Riau and Jambi has almost the same traditional dance to welcome their guest. The betel should be eaten by the guest so that locals would accept the guests.

During the dance, Persembahan dance brings the message to keep a good relationship with others.

8. Soka Papak dance

Soka Papak dance is one of the traditional dances to welcome guests that originally come from Sikka Flores of East Nusa Tenggara. This kind of dance was created to honor the guests and accompany them when exploring Sikka Flores.

Soka Papak dance contains a couple of dancers followed by the player of musical instruments including all of the locals. The welcoming guest party in Flores can be so loud when locals contribute directly.

Soka Papak dance used to contribute to accompanying the guests as the police were rarely seen in the area. Locals will kindly help the guest to keep them safe.

These traditional dances to welcome guests above mostly created to honor the guest. Other than that, maintaining good relationships with others becomes the main value of these traditional dances.

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