
8 Traditional Dance from North Kalimantan with Specific Values

Have you ever heard about traditional dance from North Kalimantan? North Kalimantan is one of the provinces in Borneo Island of Indonesia. It has the richest culture influenced by local traditions similar to traditional dance from West Kalimantan.

Most Indonesian believe that traditional dance from North Kalimantan contains myth and magic. Despite these things, the custom culture attached to their dance brings its attractiveness similar to traditional dance from Central Kalimantan.

Traditional dance from North Kalimantan becomes one of the reasons why tourists come there. The performance of those dances is mind-blowing when tourists watch them directly similar to traditional dance from South Kalimantan.

If you are wondering what kind of traditional dance from North Kalimantan, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Adat Bangun dance

Adat Bangun dance is one of the traditional dances from North Kalimantan that bring the most value. It contains sacred culture that brings magic from the local faith. Most locals use this kind of dance for the healing procession which is different from the traditional dance of Gorontalo.

Adat Bangun dance used to only perform by a specific shaman which has a great capability to control magic. Locals believe that the shaman has a secret supernatural power when dancing.

Nowadays, the supernatural shaman’s existence becomes less and less. That brings a movement of change to the Adat Bangun dance. Usually, locals perform the dance for offerings of custom culture, passion dance for healing, and simple rituals.

2. Blunde dance

Blunde dance is one of the traditional dances from North Kalimantan that bring kindness. This kind of dance has originally come from Bulungan Regency. Most locals perceived the dance as a similar movement to the Enggang dance from one of the traditional dances of the Dayak East Kalimantan.

Blunde dance using the Enggang bird’s fur for ornaments only. It is different from the Enggang dance, which uses fur in almost every movement. Such as in East Kalimantan, Blunde dance also performs to welcome guests.

3. Busak Baku dance

Busak Baku dance is one of the traditional dances from North Kalimantan that bring unity. It comes from the Dayak Lun Dayek tribe inspired by local flowers. Locals mentioned that this kind of dance becomes the symbol of harmony, power, and unity.

Busak Baku dance commonly performs to welcome guests that come from other regions. The unity and harmony perform properly during the dance bring the hope of peace among the tribes in Kalimantan.

4. Jepen dance

Jepen dance is one of the traditional dances from North Kalimantan that bring Islamic culture. This kind of dance was influenced by Malay tribes. That makes the movements look similar to the Zapin dance from Riau.

Jepen dance commonly performs by a couple of men and women. The dance depends on the faster movement of the leg. That brings the harmony of movement with a great rhyme.

Jepen dance commonly performs with a green light color uniform which brings joy. The loud music that follows the dance comes from Rebana a traditional Islamic musical instrument in North Kalimantan.

5. Jugit dance

Jugit dance is one of the traditional dances from North Kalimantan that influence lavish culture. This kind of dance was used to perform in the royal family only that call as the Jugit Paman dance.

As time goes by, common people can enjoy the performance of this dance, which call as the Jugit Demaring. Even though it comes originally from Bulungan Regency, the dance is pretty popular all around North Kalimantan.

During the performance, Jugit Paman dancers should be wearing a specific uniform which comes in red and yellow. Meanwhile, Jugit Demaring should wear yellow and green.

6. Mangunatip dance

Mangunatip dance is one of the traditional dances from North Kalimantan that bring agility. This kind of dance comes originally from Tarakan and Malinau regencies. The agility of faster movement from the dancer is important in this dance.

Moreover, the agility of leg movements. Mangunatip dance used to perform to give the best passion to warriors that went to war. They describe the faster movement to struggle and fight the enemy with faster leg movements.

Mangunatip dance using a wooden stick that should be avoided by the dancer. The movement of the stick is faster, which makes the dancers have to move faster as well.

7. Mance dance

Mance dance is one of the traditional dances from North Kalimantan, which brings elegant vibes. This kind of dance contains soft and elegant movements, which are mostly performed by women.

Mance dance commonly performs for entertainment only. The dance is followed by the traditional musical instrument of the Gong. The instrument influences the elegant movement of the dancer.

Mance dance commonly using a special property of a long rattan stick. It has more than 50 cm in length, which support the movement of the dancer.

8. Pabeka Tawai dance

Pabeka Tawai dance is one of the traditional dances from North Kalimantan that has a symbol of brotherhood in society. This kind of dance has originally come from the Dayak Kenyah tribe.

That makes sense if the Pabeka Tawai dance commonly perform to welcome guests. The dancers are commonly women and contain five to eight dancers.

Locals believe that the guest commonly comes from different tribes and will accept the point of brotherhood values. That makes the power of peace spread among the tribes in North Kalimantan.

The traditional dance from North Kalimantan above mostly inspires everyone there. Most performances bring specific values that are richest with a sacred custom culture that needs to be preserved.

So, are you ready to watch one of their dance performance? Let’s pack your bag to explore more of the North Kalimantan region.

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