Socio Cultural

10 Types of Poverty in Indonesia

Poverty is a condition where a person experiences a deprivation from materialistic and social needs. This deprivation causes the person to have limited access to basic human rights such as healthcare and education. There is still a very high number of Poverty in Indonesia. The number will continue to rise as the country struggles to eradicate it. There are different types of poverty that Indonesians face. Below are the 10 Types of Poverty in Indonesia.

1. Urban Poverty

There is urban poverty in Indonesia. This poverty is not just about having no source of income or source for consumption. The poor people who are trapped inside this type of poverty have no access to good housing or shelter. Moreover, they also do not have the means to afford healthcare and education.

A major factor of urban poverty is caused by the people who came from rural poverty to a city in the hope of a better life. An example of urban poverty in Indonesia would be Jakarta. The area has undergone major urbanisation but there are so many poor people living in slums. Annually, these poor people cannot know How to Avoid Flood in Jakarta. The disaster makes them even poorer.

2. Rural Poverty

In Indonesia, rural poverty occurs in some villages. The villages are considered to be poorer than the city areas. There are still so many people living under the poverty line in the villages. That number experienced a decrease of 20% in the year 1990. However, there was a major increase when Indonesia went through a financial crisis between 1997 and 1998. In Rural poverty, there is lack of infrastructure. There is also no growth in the economy as well as any progress within the political systems.

3. Child Poverty

Child poverty happens when there are children experiencing a monetary crisis in their lifetime. These children are still under the age of 18 in the country. In Indonesia, there are approximately 79.4 million children who live inside poverty. These children are either orphans or live with a family of very low income. These children often tries to cope with their poverty through Children Labour in Indonesia. The number of child poverty easily increases when low income family has many children in the household.

4. Absolute Poverty

Absolute poverty is also known as extreme poverty. In this type of poverty, there are Indonesians who earn the very minimum amount of money for their work. Their daily, weekly or monthly earning is simply not enough to help them fulfil their needs. What makes this poverty worse is their limited access to clean water, safety, healthcare and school. Their living condition is crowded, poor quality or simply nonexistent.

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5. Structural Poverty

Structural poverty is caused through a weak economic system of the country. In Indonesia, there are still some areas with no infrastructures. Other than that, they do not get a share of sources that could help them work or simply fulfil their daily needs. Due to the uneven distribution of access to many things that could help their lives better, the people live in poverty.

A family in Indonesia could get trapped inside the structural poverty without any way of escaping it. If they have children, they cannot pay for education or adequate healthcare. So many children have to stop school because they cannot afford it which you can read in Facts about Education in Indonesia .

6. Relative Poverty

Relative poverty is when someone is living in poverty because he or she has no source of standard income. Thus, the person is unable to have a standard living in the Indonesian society. This type of poverty has an affect through the society of one’s surrounding. In one area in Indonesia, you could are considered as very wealthy for having a certain amount of income. But once you move out to another area, you could become the poorest.

7. Natural Disaster Poverty

There are so many kinds of Disaster in Indonesia. Natural disasters is very common to happen multiple times within a year. The most often natural disasters are flood and landslide. These disasters affect many people in devastating ways. There are some who lose their lives and their family members.

On top of that, they lose their land, their homes, their sources of income and everything that has helped them survive in this world. Once they lose all that, they do not have anything anymore. They become poor and homeless. These people can find their way out of the poverty but some become trapped in it.

8. Cultural Poverty

In Indonesia, cultural poverty applies to those who are indifferent to their situation. They do not find any way to get out of their poor condition. There is a lack of effort to improve their living quality. People who live in cultural poverty usually comes from many generations of poor families. Thus, it affected the many aspects to the individual’s way of thinking and actions. Other than the absence of effort to leave poverty, people who live in this condition also find it hard to have sources that could be their income.

9. Individual Poverty

Individual poverty happens when an individual is seen to have no existing skill to be able to work. With no work, they cannot have any income. Also, the person do not have any other ways to afford their daily needs because their income is not enough. He or she could end up being a beggar but that would break some of the laws stated in the Unique Laws in Indonesia .

10. Infrastructure Poverty

Infrastructure poverty solely lies on the country’s inability to provide adequate amount of useful infrastructure. Many people in Indonesia still live with undeveloped infrastructures. There are no school or medical centres for the people. This limit the ability of the people in the surrounding area to have access to those facilities. Poor education and poor healthcare will put them in worse poverty.

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Poverty could be experienced by an entire family members. It may even be passed down from one generation to the next. In Indonesia, it is said that poverty is a circle that you cannot get out of because there might not be much that you can do. However, by knowing all these types of poverty in Indonesia at least you know the different causes of how it started in the first place.

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