
9 Most Endangered Animals in Indonesia

Indonesia rich in faunas that most of them come in so many variations. There are the wildest ones, the cute one so that we can adopt them as a pet, and also the most dangerous animal that lives in Indonesia that we better avoid them.

Since Indonesia consists of so many beautiful forests in Indonesia and most of them are wild forests, there also so many animals living there. There is no exception for the most endanger ed animals that you will found easily there.

This time, we have some glances at some of the animals that live in Indonesia that better to avoid. Some of them may have a weapon as their self-defense to protect them from any enemies. So, let’s take a look closer below!

1. Komodo

Komodo lives on Komodo island and has known as the lizard dragon that has a lethal weapon on its tongue. It has a long body that can reach up to 2.6 m long with black leather.  The body can reach up to 79 kilograms of weight for the type of male Komodo, and the female about 67 kilograms.

Komodo is a kind of reptile and becomes specific predators that haunt other animals to live. They eat some meat so that it is one of the Carnivora types. Nowadays, Komodo becomes so rare in amount, and it claims almost extinct. That is why Indonesian governments make this animal one of the protected animals and should be live in a conservative area.

2. Sumatran Tiger

Sumatran Tiger becomes one of the most endangered animals in Indonesia. Most of them are living in a Sumatran rain forest or national park. Just like other tigers, they haunt other animals to live as they have been classifying as carnivores.

Sumatran tigers commonly strike their enemies with the sharp tale on their teeth. Nowadays, the government becomes so protective of them as their amount has been decreased from time to time as the facts about the Sumatran rain forest in Indonesia. Since they have a beautiful pattern on their skin, people hunt them illegally for the business thing.

3. Javanese Leopard

Javanese lion or people knew them as Macan Tutul Jawa becomes one of the most endangered animals in java island. They have sharp teeth like other types of Leopards in the world. They haunt other animals to survive and eat their meat so that they become the most endangered carnivores on Java island.

Nowadays, it may difficult to find Leopard on Java island since the forest as their living become deforestation, and people keep haunt them illegally for business or industry from time to time. That makes the Javanese Leopard becomes extinct. That makes the government becomes so protective of them.

4. Anoa

Anoa becomes one of the most endangered animals in Indonesia that you can find them in the South of Sulawesi and around Buton island. They live in the rain forest of Sulawesi, which specifically can live in both mountains or downhills.

Anoa is a kind of herbivores as they don’t eat some meat just like others endanger predators. But their weapon comes from their horn that capable kill their enemies in only one strike.

5. White Shark

Indonesian white shark becomes one of the most endangered animals in Indonesia that you should avoid. They have sharp teeth that most of the animals and also people are scared of them. Their teeth are capable of wreck their enemy or meat as their food in only one bite.

You can found the Indonesian white shark in most of the Balinese sea and also the Javanese sea. Interestingly, in Bali island and the North Semarang’s sea, you can meet the baby white shark and play with them. The government protect them in the conservatory area to avoid the extinction.

6. Javanese Hawk-Eagle

Javanese hawk-eagle has become one of the most endangered animals that live in Indonesia for a long time ago. They are haunting other animals to survive and eat them as their main food.

This carnivorans type strike their enemies with their foot that can grab their enemies tightly. Most of them eat rats, lizard, or chicken forest that you can find them in most of Javanese forest.

7. Honey Bear

Honey bear becomes one of the most endangered animals in Indonesia that lives in most of the rain forests of Kalimantan or Sumatra. They are kind of omnivores that not only eat some grass or leaves but also meat. Commonly they haunt some rats, rabbits, forest chicken, or other animals. They strike their prey with their huge body which can reach up to 70 cm’s tall and 70 kilograms of weight.

8. Senyulong Crocodile

Senyulong crocodile becomes one of the most endangered animals in Indonesia. Most of their type of crocodiles are living in Indonesia in the rain forest of Sumatra and Borneo island. They become one of the most predators with carnivorans type in Indonesia with their sharp teeth as their main weapon to hunt their prey.

9. The Giant Cat

The Giant cat or people knew them as Macan is one of the most endangered animals in Indonesia. Most of them are living in the rain forest of Borneo island or at the national park. They look like a cat but in a giant size of the body with the polka dot cloud type.

So, there are some glances of the most endangered animals in Indonesia that you should know. Most of them become so dangerous, so you better not trying to be near them. Besides, most of them also become extinct as the effect of illegal logging in Indonesia, so we have to protect their existence as the richest of Indonesian faunas.

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