
13 Best Psychology University in Indonesia

Indonesian students always show a high interest on entering the Psychology programs in universities. Each year, they compete with one another to earn a seat at the university that they want. Some universities only accept hundreds of them when there are thousands who wish to be enrolled.

These are the 13 Best Psychology University in Indonesia that are highly ranked in the country. Getting into one of these universities may help to pave the way for the future.

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1. University of Indonesia

As one of the oldest universities in Indonesia, the Psychology faculty was established in 1960. University of Indonesia aims to produce competent students with integrity.

They must be able to work professionally in both national and international scale. University of Indonesia offers various Psychology study programs for undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral. They even offer an international program, working exclusively with University of Queensland in Australia.

Students can study about clinical pyschology, social psychology, industrial psychology and so much more. The university provides excellent and highly experienced professors to aid the students during their study.

2. Surabaya University

Surabaya University is most known as ‘UBAYA’ in Indonesia. It is a private university that lies in the second biggest city in the country, Surabaya. Established in 1966, the university is renowned for its Psychology faculty. It has won many awards in the past years.

Both graduate and postgraduate degrees for Psychology are offered to students. Multiple facilities are available for students to aid in their studies. Since it’s one of the best Psychology university in Indonesia, Surabaya University aims their students to work in various fields and are also encouraged to continue their study later on.

Read more: Most Expensive Universities in Indonesia

3. Gadjah Mada University

Gadja Mada University is located in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. It’s a highly competitive university as they only select limited amount of students from applicants each year. Aspiring students can earn their undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degrees here.

Gadjah Mada University even has an undergraduate program. Besides that, profession programs are available as well. The faculty works together with national and international institutions. Students can take this opportunity as an advantage to gain more valuable knowledge and skills.

4. Airlangga University

Airlangga University is one of the most highly accredited university in Indonesia. Located in Surabaya, this Psychology faculty in this university was officially established in 1993. There are undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degrees that students can choose from.

Some of the courses offered are taught in English. Airlangga University has programs for international students to partake. They can sign up for internship in one of their units. As the university is located in a fast growing city, students can take this chance to widen their knowledge on a lot of issues. They also have more options for their career of choice.

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5. Sanata Dharma University

Sanata Dharma is located in Yogyakarta. It’s a private university where students can also get the best education they can in the psychology field. However, the university only offers undergraduate degree.

Sanata Dharma University gives their psychology students the facilities that they need to carry out experiments and research. Lecturers are guaranteed to be the best ones in the field. Since 1996, the faculty has produce numerous undergraduates. They are now working in industries, schools, hospitals and so many more places all over Indonesia.

See more: Education Curicculum in Indonesia

6. University of Persada Indonesia Y.A.I.

University of Persada Indonesia Y.A.I is a private university located in Central Jakarta. They establish the Psychology faculty in 1985.

The university offers diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degrees. University of Persada Indonesia Y.A.I. accepts local and international students who wish to enroll in the Pyschology field. They are also eager to push their students to bring positive contributions into the community.

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7. Padjadjaran University

Padjadjaran University is found in West Java, Indonesia. The university falls under one of the best Pyschology university in the country. It was officiated in 1961.

Similar to other universities in Indonesia, the Pyschology faculty gives students the chance to earn undergraduate, postgraduate or doctoral degree. The faculty aspire to produce students who are going to be able to implement their skills in the public. The psychology field in Padjadjaran University also one of the leaders on new experiments and laboratory development in Indonesia.

8. Gunadarma University

Gunadarma University lies in Jakarta. In 2017, they claim to be a private university that has been acknowledged internationally. They have a global network that will give advantage to their students.

Undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degrees are given in this university for those who aspire to work in the psychology field. Those who study in Gunadarma University claims that they are happy that the school provide them with adequate laboratories and facilities that will help them succeed.

9. Tarumanagara University

The next best psychology university is Tarumanagara University. It is also one of the oldest universities in Indonesia. First established in 1959, the university has now open more major fields that students can choose from.

The Psychology faculty was officiated in 1994. The faculty aims to produce students who are professional and hold high integrity. They are also taught to have an entrepreneurial mindset which will help them secure jobs or create more working fields in the future. Tarumanagara University guarantees students’ comfort by providing facilities, library and lecturers that they can always rely on.

See more: Indonesian Education System

10. Mercu Buana University

The Mercu Buana University is located in Jakarta. In total, they have 3 campuses.

The Pyschology faculty in this university hopes to produce people who will be experts in their fields. Mercu Buana University works with a number of institutions in the country but they also have some abroad.

In Malaysia, they work together with School of Pyschology and Social Work University. However, Mercu Buana University only offers undergraduate degree for students.

11. Muhammadiyah University of Malang

Muhammadiyah University of Malang claims that their Pyschology program for students doesn’t solely focus on theory. Students are highly taught to implement their practical skill.

The Psychology program also focuses on marginal groups. Students are encouraged to work with people with special needs, orphans and those who do not have access to education. Their credibility has been acknowledged nationally and they want to pursue for higher quality learning in global term.

See more: Facts of Indonesian Schools

12. Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia

The Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia has 2 campuses. One is located in South Jakarta while the other one is in North Jakarta. For their Pyschology program, the university works with universities outside of Indonesia.

Some of them are Westminster University and Radboud University. Students also have the chances to work with local institutions where they can implement their skill. The university believes that alumni will have chances to work as journalists, consultants, counselors and so many more. Another good thing about the Atma Jaya Catholic University is that undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degrees are available.

13. Islamic University of Indonesia

Islamic University of Indonesia only has undergraduate and postgraduate degrees for their Psychology program. The program is highly accredited and the university is ranked as one of the best in the country.

Located in Yogyakarta, Islamic University of Indonesia appeals to students due to their credibility. They provide the best facilities and education to their students. For those who are concerned about school fees should consider applying for scholarships. After all, the university offers them with different requirements that will suit the student’s ability.

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Though these 13 are the best Psychology universities, students should also work hard in their studies. They will open up doors for their careers and bring positive contributions that will help in making their university even better.

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