
8 Common Characteristics of Indonesian Workplace

Working in a great workplace is the dream for almost of people. If you feel so, you may apply for the nice position in a company of Indonesia. In this digital era, the workplace has been developed into some various qualities. You could get a nice facility with the high salary in a good company. Moreover, almost of the big company would give some insurance for the worker. If you are trying to apply a job Indonesia, you could read 8 characteristics of the workplace below.

  1. Some workplaces still using internal connection for the recruitment process

Are you un-employee and difficult to get a job? If it is yes, you should do some corrections in yourself. Moreover, it also the bad luck factor that created by the system in Indonesia.

It has been famous in Indonesia that most of recruiters don’t do the recruitment process fairly. Some of workers had admitted that they get the job from internal relatives. That is why the process of recruitment sometimes could not be expected. Of course it could give a bad impact toward the fair candidate.

Although not all of workplaces using internal connection for employee recruitment, it has been become a habit for Indonesian workplace. The candidates of the workers in Indonesia usually would look for a job through the connection.

  1. Have a family principle for business relationship

Do you feel like have a nice friend at office? Yes, the answer is because almost of workplaces in Indonesia has the nice relationship. They use it as the principle in workplace. The manager would treat his employee really well. And also, among workers would love each other like a family. They would schedule some worker gathering after working hours. They share the foods, drink, or even story. When one of the employees are being sick or having a party, they would visit him/her house collectively. The workers truly have that kind of habit to other workers. Do you do so? (Read also: Family Traditions in Indonesia )

  1. Push the employee to work under pressure

Have you ever got bored with your job? Yes, having many things to finish in workplace is exhausting. Sometimes, you feel so tired of working under pressure. Taking a vacation or having flexible working hours is just on your mind. In fact, you should work again and again. And when the weekend comes, it is time for sleeping.

Truly, this is one of the characters of almost workplace in Indonesia. In some requirements of the worker, the company would ask the employee to be able to work under pressure. For some people, it must be tiring.

See also:

  1. Some of workplaces still give the salary under the regulation

It could be a serious concern for the government. The issue of the raising regional minimum wage has been spread to all of Indonesians. In fact, there is still the large number of workplaces that give the salary under UMR (the regional minimum wage).

Some of workers choose to survive in the workplace. They are afraid of losing the job. It seems not so fair looking at some rich people buy the dozens of luxurious cars while some employees still don’t get their right. (See also: Types of Poverty in Indonesia)

  1. Strong competition among the workers

Although the system in working relationship is friendly, the workers should have the strong competition. The workplace would give some rewards if the workers could do some big contributions. That is why the worker will compete fairly.

Frequently, you could find the unhealthy competition among workers. A worker would do the ’instant way’ to level up their carrier position. However, these kinds of worker would be out from the workplace as soon as possible.

  1. Having a regular office day/hour

Generally, the workplace in Indonesia would apply the regular office hour (Monday-Friday) and/or a half day on Saturday (for the shift worker is an exception). The workplace would be off on holiday.

If you need the off day from working on the outside of holiday, don’t worry for it. Usually, they would give the employee 12 days of taking a leave for a year. You may use it in the urgent condition. However, if you have spent all of your taking a leave allocation, the workplace will cut your salary.

See also:

  1. Giving THR annually

Are you familiar with THR? THR is the short of Tunjangan Hari Raya. It is a kind of annual allowance before Eid Mubarak. Since Islam is the majority religion in Indonesia, the workplace will give you the THR before Eid Mubarak day. It is because the habit of Islamics in Indonesia which like to shopping and giving some gifts toward their family on Eid Mubarak day. So, they would need more money. The workplace thinks that giving allowance before Eid Mubarak is the good timing.

However, you couldn’t instantly accept THR once you work in a workplace. Some big workplaces regulate that the employee who work in the relevant company less 1 year couldn’t accept any THR.

  1. Employ under 40 years-old workers

Usually, the workplace would not employ the candidates above 40. It is because they worry that if the worker couldn’t have the great energy in working. That is why almost the job vacancy writes that the candidates must not be more than 40 years old.

However, 40 years-old person might acceptable for the higher position. For the manager, senior secretary, or supervisor position, the workplace prefers to employ the most experienced one.

Those are the 8 characteristics of workplace in Indonesia. Now, after understanding these characteristics, have you decided in what kind of workplaces you are going to apply? For the information, you could also read Indonesian Work Culture to prepare your working. Good luck.

See also:

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