
13 Little-Known Facts about Monas Jakarta

Monas or National Monument is an icon of Jakarta. Located in the center of Jakarta, a tourist and educational center that appeals to the people of Jakarta and surrounding areas. Monas was founded in 1959 and inaugurated two years later in 1961.

Monas is always crowded with tourists to see the beauty of Jakarta from the top of Monas, adding insight into the history of Indonesia diorama space or enjoy fresh city forest area of approximately 80 hectares in the middle of Jakarta. Here are some facts about Monas Jakarta that not many people know it.

  1. There is the “Kemerdekaan” room

Kemerdekaan means the independence. At the bottom of the Monas there is a Room of Independence that tells about Indonesia’s independence. There are also historic items that have an affinity for independence. Among them are the original manuscripts of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence which are stored in a glass box within a gold-plated gate.

If you enter this door, you will hear the song “Padamu Negeri” and followed by a recording of the voice of former Indonesian President Soekarno who read the Proclamation manuscript on August 17, 1945. There is a state symbol, NKRI archipelago map, red and white flag and also the wall of Proclamation Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

  1. Teuku Markam donorred to the National Monument

When it first made, the gold used to coat the flame symbol was 35 kilograms weight. In 1995, when Indonesia celebrated the golden anniversary of independence the layer of gold was added by 50 pounds. Do you know who contributed 28 kilograms of gold at the top of the Monument? He is Teuku Markam, a merchant from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. During his lifetime, Teuku Markam continued to fight for the country and later died in 1985.

  1. Fire Symbol at the Peak of National Monument

The height of Monument about 132 meters, at the top of this monument there is a cup with the top flame tongue. Flame tongue on this monument is made of bronze as high as 14 meters which is also coated with gold 45 kg. This flame symbolizes the spirit of a raging struggle of all the heroes of Indonesia. The top of this monument is in the form of flame tongue made of pure gold weighing 15.5 tons with a diameter of 6 meters and a height of 17 meters. This flame symbolizes the spirit of the struggle of the people of Indonesia that raging against the invaders.

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  1. A National Struggle Museum inside the building of Monas

At the bottom of the monument, there is a room that is the Museum of the History of the Struggle of the Nation of Indonesia. There was the struggle from the kingdom period until the time of G30SPKI. At Monas you are not just traveling, but also get to know more in the history of Indonesian struggle. It will automatically add a sense of nationalism spirit to you as a nation of Indonesia.

  1. Beautiful view from the courtyard of Monas

The courtyard at the top of Monas is 11×11 meters wide which can be climbed by visitors alternately. From the court, visitors can see the tall buildings in the city of Jakarta. Even if the sky is clear, visitors can see the Mount of Salak in West Java Besides, you can also see the Java Sea and Kepulauan Seribu. It is very beautiful, isn’t?

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  1. Constructed during 14 years

The start of National Monument construction began on the 16th independence day of Indonesia, on August 17, 1961. It was opened to the public on July 12, 1975. That means the development of Monas spent considerable time, which was about 14 years. The inauguration was made by the second president, namely President Soeharto.

  1. The Relief

On the outside of the monument there are reliefs depicting the history of Indonesia. It illustrates the glory of the ancient kingdoms in Indonesia up to the revolutionary hero who championed Indonesia. These statues and statues make you feel the spirit of the heroes struggle. You can enjoy this relief while entering this building.

  1. The highest monument in Indonesia

Monas is in the middle of Lapangan Medan Merdeka. Monas was built right in the middle of Medan Merdeka Square on an 80 hectare park. Monas is the highest monument in Indonesia. Monas height is 132 meters (433 feet). Therefore Monas can be seen from a distance. Conversely from the top of the monument to the top of the monument, visitors can see the city scene of the city of Jakarta clearly.

  1. Been renamed 5 times

Before Monas Monument is ratified, the field where Monas located has been 5 times changed. The first, this area was named by Gambir Square. Then it was changed by Ikada Square. Not long after that it was named Merdeka Square. Then later it was named by Monas Square, and  was famous of Monas Park.

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  1. Changes its color when at night

In April 2018, Monas Monument will change color to blue at night. Monas Monument’s blue display is in commemoration of Autism World Care Day, which falls on April 2nd and 2018’s theme is Light It Up Blue. That is why the monument turns blue every night and it will last one month from April 1 to April 30. That is why, the color of blue Monas Monument can only be witnessed at night, because it is a light setting.

  1. Built by a famous architect

Frederich Silaban and R.M. Soedarsono became the architect of this noble duty. The 132-meter-high monument was finally completed on 12 July 1975 which was then officially inaugurated by the President on that day. Now Monument Monument became one of the popular tourist destinations of the capital community. It is right in the heart of the capital. Besides monument, there is also established a museum that tells the experience of Indonesia seized its sovereignty.

  1. Taken from Lingga and Yoni Philosophy

The towering form of the monument contains the philosophy of “Lingga and Yoni” which resembles “Alu” as “Linga” and the shape of the container (cup-red) is a room resembling “Lumpang” as “Yoni”. Alu and Lumpang are two important tools owned by every family in Indonesia, especially rural people. Linga and Yoni are symbols of antiquity that depict eternal life, are positive elements (phallus) and negative elements (yoni) such as the existence of day and night, male and female, good and bad, is the eternity of the world.

  1. The philosophy of independence day

Soedarsono, the architect who designed the national monument took some elements when the Proclamation of Independence that embodies the national revolution as much as possible apply it to the architectural dimensions of the numbers 17, 8, and 45 as the sacred figure of Proclamation Day.

The shape of the entire lines of the architecture of this monument embodies the lines that move unevenly monotonous, rising curved, jumping, evenly again, and rising towering, eventually bumping over the form of a burning flame. The body of the towering monument with flames at its peak symbolizes and illuminates the spirit of burning and unflagging in the chest of the Indonesian nation.

Those are the facts of Monas Jakarta. The facts might little bit surpriisng since there are not lot of people know it. While you go to Jakarta, it is a must place to visit National Monument.

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