
12 Terrifying Facts about Traffic Jam in Jakarta

Traffic Jam is often found in major cities in developing countries such as Semarang and Jakarta. Frequently, congestion due to the increasing number of motor vehicles, the number of vehicles passing by on the road, both private vehicles and public transport.

No wonder the increasing number of road users who are increasingly day is not increasing, as happened in the capital city of Jakarta today. Most every citizen in Jakarta has more than one vehicle at their houses. Currently the government is still trying to reduce congestion that occurred in Jakarta. In fact, it is not as easy as imagined. Here are facts about traffic jam in Jakarta.

  1. Jakarta is on the 7th rank of most jammed city in the world

Jakarta was in the 7th position as most jammed city in the world by 2017. The congestion index in Jakarta stood at 279.89.  In 2016, the capital of Indonesia was ranked 17th in research on the world’s most jammed city. It is sharply raised if compared in 2016.

From the data is known, Jakarta congestion index reached 237.25 with the average travel time on the road 48.57 minutes one way. This congestion index shows the composition of travel time on the road, the estimation of road user dissatisfaction with travel time, CO2 emission estimation and inefficiency of traffic system. The higher the congestion index indicates the worsening quality of traffic conditions.

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  1. The traffic jam causes much loss

The most obvious losses appear to be fuel wastage. A lot of social costs are spent during traffic jams. Besides the cost of fuel before, it also adds the health costs resulting from air pollution. Currently, Jabodetabek area people who regularly travel in the area of DKI reach 2 million souls per day, with various interests.

With the high rate of loss, it should be better to build more infrastructure in Indonesia. Some even mention that the amount of loss is equivalent to the cost of building 14 Suramadu bridges connecting Surabaya and Madura.

  1. Traffic jam in Jakarta can cause dementia illness

A health study published through the international health journal Lancet shows that those who live near highways are more likely to suffer from dementia. That is a symptom of impaired brain function that can’t be cured. In particular, the study also proves that one in ten cases of dementia is caused by exposure to congestion.

Previous research has also revealed almost the same thing. The risk of dementia may depend on the distance of the settlement by road. Those living 50 meters from the highway have a 7 percent greater risk of dementia.

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  1. The number of motor vehicles in Jakarta increases each year

One of the factors that are accused of being a source of traffic is the increasing number of motorcyclists in Jakarta. Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) noted, during 2012-2016, growth in the number of motorcycles in Jakarta rose 5.30%. The biggest increase occurred in 2015 with 13,989,590 motorcycles. Even in 2020, the number of motorcycles is predicted to reach 66 million units. Can you imagine how crowded it is?

  1. The number of accidents is raising because of traffic jam

The high number of vehicles in Jakarta is directly proportional to the high number of traffic accidents. BPS launches, in 2016 there are 6,180 cases of traffic accidents in Jakarta. Of the thousands of cases, 678 people died, 2,250 people were seriously injured and 4,487 people suffered minor injuries. The total material loss due to accidents over the past year reached Rp20,295,000. Traffic accidents that occur in the capital city are also inseparable from the number of drivers under the age of 17 years.

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  1. 74% of Jakarta residents are always late to attend the event due to traffic jam

As many as 74 percent of Jakarta residents missed or arrived very late to important events because of traffic jams. There are at least percent of residents of Jakarta missed or came very late to important events because of traffic.

Five occasions are often missed due to prolonged parking spots (54 percent), doctor appointments (36 percent), job interviews (27 percent), funeral events (26 percent) and concerts (22 percent). Car owners in Jakarta spend an average of 21 minutes each day looking for parking. Same with the time you need to exercise burn 130 calories per day.

  1. The numbers of vehicles grows rapidly per year

Every day Jakarta is struggling with traffic, one of which is the growth of vehicles that are not balanced with the road. In fact the number of vehicles increased by 8% per year, while the addition of roads is only 0.01% per year. This means about 7.3 million vehicles are fighting for 42.3km2 of roads in every day, 7.25 million or 98.8% of this amount is a private vehicle.

While the remaining 89 thousand or 1.2% are public transports including KRL and Busway. Meanwhile the total private vehicles only serve 44% journey or about 6.73 million people per day. While public transport must carry 8.6 million people or 56% travel.

  1. Everyone in Jakarta spends 1 hour 8 minutes stuck in traffic

The average citizen of Jakarta spent 1 hour 8 minutes stuck in traffic every day. It’s the same time you can watch one episode of your favorite show every day. It is time wasting isn’t it? You must think many times if you want to live in Jakarta. But you can still get some benefits of living in Jakarta.

  1. The car owners reconsider to use their car or not

29 percent of car owners in Jakarta are now reconsidering whether they actually need to own a car or not. While in Asia, four out of 10 vehicle owners have considered stopping to drive their car over the past year. This figure is even higher among the younger generation, with 50 percent saying it is less interested in buying a car, according to the survey’s findings.

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  1. 50% of cars in Jakarta carry only one person

The study found that Jakarta people do not use their cars efficiently. During peak hours in Jakarta, there are 50 percent more cars than roads can accommodate and 50 percent of cars carry only one person. As a result the duration of the trip when the rush hour takes 1.8 times longer than usual hours.

  1. The road capacity is not comparable to the number of vehicles

Jakarta traffic jam continues to occur due to roads are not comparable with the growth of private vehicles. It can be justified that, the main stem of congestion in Jakarta due to increased growth of private vehicles. Will the addition of new roads be able to unravel congestion in Jakarta? Of course the answer will not solve the root of the problem, given the cost of land acquisition will not be a little besides the limited land.

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  1. Due to traffic jam, the number of traffic violation keeps raising

The city of Jakarta has now become a hell for all its citizens. It is not only for motor vehicle users, but also sacrifices the convenience of pedestrians due to sidewalks are often crossed by motorcycles. Motorists in Jakarta have no choice. They often violate because they feel no signs or norms are violated. This condition is more common because of the lack of street sign information or more due to time constraint.

Those are the facts about traffic jam in Jakarta. Hopefully, the government target to reduce the traffic jam until 50% will be realized by 2025. If you live in Jakarta, you should support the government program to reduce the number of traffic jam by not using too much vehicle.

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