Food and Beverage

8 Indonesian Dishes Wrapped in Banana Leaf

Are you one of the people that love to consume Indonesian traditional food? Then one of those that wrapped in banana leaf looks familiar to you. As a traditional food, the one wrapped in banana leaf becomes one of the most favorite dishes in Indonesia.

Most of them bring a more delicious taste with a great combination of the dish and the banana leaf. It is even capable to raise your appetite so that you can eat more than you expected.

Speaking of Indonesian dishes wrapped in banana leaf, here we have some of them below. Let’s check them out!

1. Botok

Botok becomes one of the most delicious Indonesian dishes wrapped in banana leaves. It contains shredded coconut that is mixed properly with egg, tofu, tempeh, Lamtoro, and some veggies. Some people love to add some chili pepper inside it before steam.

Botok commonly consumes for breakfast as the main dish. It is perfect to consume with hot tea in the morning. If you don’t love to consume spicy food for breakfast, you can remove the chili inside of it.

Botok is perfect for those who love to consume some vegan food. It is so nutritious with a high protein inside. Moreover, it has a lower calorie which is perfect to consume while you are on a diet.

2. Pepes

Pepes become one of the most delicious Indonesian dishes wrapped in banana leaves. Commonly, it mixes properly with fish, chicken, mushroom, and many more. Indonesian using some turmeric inside to make the fish or chicken in Pepes come deliciously to consume.

Fish Pepes becomes one of the most popular among other Pepes dishes type in Indonesia. One of the reasons for that is because fish has a perfect texture with a smooth type to steam inside the banana leaf.

Pepes is perfect to consume both for lunch or dinner with a bowl of hot rice. Have some Indonesian crackers such as the type of Krupuk in Indonesia will be perfect to consume with it.

3. Garang Asem

Garang Asem becomes one of the most delicious Indonesian dishes wrapped in banana leaves. It contains chicken, coconut milk, chili, tomatoes, lemongrass, bay leaf, and other Indonesian spices.

Garang Asem is commonly perfect to consume in a rainy season with a warm sensation from it. Whether for lunch or dinner, Garang Asem is perfect to consume using hot rice as the most popular Indonesian staple food.

4. Nasi Bakar

Nasi Bakar becomes one of the most delicious Indonesian dishes wrapped in banana leaves. It contains rice that smoked properly over the charcoal stove. Inside the rice, it is seasoned with some Indonesian spices and herbs mixed with chicken, egg, or beef.

Nasi Bakar becomes a popular food in Yogyakarta lately not only for breakfast but also for lunch and dinner. The difference of it comes from the portion which for breakfast it has a smaller amount among all of them.

Nasi Bakar used to popular in Yogyakarta which some Angkringan shops offers them. Nowadays, you can consume it whenever you want, even at a five-star restaurant in Indonesia.

5. Sego Kucing

Sego Kucing becomes one of the most delicious dishes wrapped in banana leaves. If you visit Yogyakarta, you will find so many Angkringan sellers offer this kind of food as their main dishes to consume as one of the most famous Yogyakarta street food.

Sego Kucing is similar to Nasi Bakar, but it has a smaller portion, and people not smoked it over the stove. Sego Kucing commonly contains Sambal Teri, Sambal Tempe, or stir-fried Tempe.

Sego Kucing is perfect to consume with some Gorengan, such as the deep-fried of Tempe or tofu. There is also some satay that is perfect to chew, with the Sego Kucing.

6. Arem – Arem

Arem-  Arem becomes one of the most delicious Indonesian dishes wrapped in banana leaf. It contains rice that mixes properly with chicken, beef, carrots, or Tempe stir-fried. After steam properly, you can enjoy this dish with or without some side dishes.

Arem – Arem is commonly perfect to consume at breakfast or during coffee break time. The size is pretty small but it is perfect to fill up your stomach in the morning. It is perfect to consume with a hot tea and some kind of Gorengan as well.

7. Lontong

Lontong is a kind of Indonesian dish wrapped in banana leaves that becomes the alternatives one to consume rice. As the main dishes, Indonesian creatively make rice into another type of food that is worth consuming.

Lontong commonly consume with Lontong Sayur, Lontong Opor, Lontong Sumatra, Satay, some legendary foods in Jakarta, and many more. It has a plain taste, so it will be perfect to consume in any type of Indonesian soup.

8. Buras

Buras is a kind of Indonesian dish wrapped in banana leaf that looks similar to Lontong. It becomes the other type of Lontong which steamed properly using the coconut milk inside. That makes the texture juicier to chew comparing to Lontong.

Buras commonly consume Coto Makassar, Rendang, Indonesian type of curry, or Soto. It has a bit savory taste from coconut milk, so it is perfect to consume with one of those Indonesian foods.

So, there are some of the most delicious Indonesian dishes wrapped in banana leaves. Most of them are available around you, which makes you wouldn’t have any difficulty consuming one of them.

Moreover, most of them have more nutritious comparing to some fast food in the market. So, which one that becomes your favorite so far?

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