Socio Cultural

4 Reasons Why Yogyakarta Called “Kota Pelajar”

Education is one of the important aspect in life, loads of people sacrifice a lot of things to have a proper education or for their child to have the best education.  Students in Indonesia every year fight to have a seat in the state university or in a private university. There are many university around Indonesia and people from abroad do come to Indonesia to have a chance to study in the country. In Indonesia there is one city that is called Kota Pelajar or Student City, which is Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is located in Central Java, many travelers and backpackers love to have a trip to this city but people who are trying to pursue their study also come to this city. It is popular that many Indonesian this city is one of the first choice to be chosen as a place to study. Now let see the 4 Reasons Why Yogyakarta Called “Kota Pelajar”

1.  Number of University

According to the Higher Education Book of Statistic 2018,  there is 138 higher education institute. With 26 university, 7 institute, 56 high education institute, 39 academy, 1 community academy and 9 polytechnic in the area of Jogja which is only 3.185,80 kilometer square. These numbers of higher education institute makes many students from all around Indonesia comes to this city to continue their study. One of the popular university is Gadjah Mada University, that has been around a long time in Indonesia. More of the popular university are :

  • Yogyakarta State University
  • Sanata Dharma University
  • Atma Jaya University
  • Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University
  • Ahmad Dahlan University. 
  • and others

More over all of the university, institute or academy offers a range of facilities and programs that parents and their children can choose from to fit for the education needs. 

2. Students

In most university well even Jogja usually be called Mini Indonesia, because of the students that comes from many part of Indonesia.  The student comes with their own characters, culture and local languages. The graduates from Yogyakarta always have competence, making each university competes to develop their students potential. To reach this they make graduates that has high competency in their own field. The students potential and competency can be seen when the graduates are involved in the working world, it is widely known that the quality of the Yogyakarta student couldn’t be doubted.  This is one of the main reason Yogyakarta is called “Kota Pelajar” because the city is literally filled with people that is doing their study in the city. 

3. Quality of Education

Now to the third reason of 4 Reasons Why Yogyakarta Called “Kota Pelajar” , according to the DIKTI here are the top 10 state university and private university :

  • Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  • Universitas Sanata Dharma
  • Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
  • Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Institut Sains dan Teknologi
  • Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
  • Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta
  • Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer

The fact is not only higher education that people come to Yogya but from the level of High School there is already a lot of students from around Indonesia. There are many popular High School in Yogya that is widely known in Indonesia such as :

  • John De Britto High School
  • Stella Duce High School
  • SMA Negeri 1 Yogyakarta
  • SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta
  • and others

The quality of education is not to be doubted, because for a long time Yogyakarta has one of the best quality of education. The quality is always maintain by schools and university, for the higher education institute there is accreditation by BAN PT and for the High school to lower level is supervised and controlled by the local government. You can also see the quality of the student through many competition that is held regional, national and internationally, often the 1st place winner or the representative for Indonesia is from Yogyakarta.  

4. Economic

Many parents chose or tell their children to study in Yogya because of the economic. From food to a place to live it is more affordable than any other place in Indonesia. You can have a rice meal for just 5000 Rupiahs and can help you to get through the day. This economic factor is a big deal for family who wants their children to have better education but is in the average to below class in their community. The education can be fulfilled easily if the student have a scholarship, which Yogya has a lot to offer, then their daily life can also be fulfilled since the cost for everything is affordable sometimes can be said cheap. If one children can study in Yogya there is a chance that the whole family can come to Yogya whether it is for a holiday or for the graduation ceremony. Then the family can get to know more about Yogya and maybe other member of the family will come and study in the city. 

These 4 reasons why Yogyakarta called “Kota Pelajar” already represent most to answer the question. Not only Indonesian student but also students from outside the country come to Yogya to pursue their education. The fact is Yogya has a big reputation of education for a long time. From family members to neighbours will recommend to pursue study in Yogya, whether it is High School or University. Studying in Yogya is not just learning in a class about a subject but you can learn about the culture, art or even the history of the city. People all around the world must know about Yogya especially about the tourism but up until now the name Kota Pelajar still suits the city. Every year the number of students keeps increasing and has not stopped yet. 

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