Food and Beverage

15 Unique Foods Must Try in Yogyakarta during Ramadhan : The Traditional Delicacy

So, we took you to see around the city of Bandung to see the religious places that can increase your knowledge greatly in both the historial and religious side. But now we want to stay away from the city to go to another, Yogyakarta. You know, Yogyakarta city stands on its own capital.

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The city, which famous for the culture also has some things to offer during Ramadhan. The traditional processions, ceremonies, activities, to the world of culinary. During Ramadhan, you can find some unique meals from the city. For you who interested in the unique foods must try in Yogyakarta during Ramadhan, here’s for you.

1 – Sego Kucing

The first one on the unique foods must try in Yogyakarta during Ramadhan is an iconic dish called Sego Kucing. If you translate it directly, the meaning of Sego Kucing is Cat’s Rice, which is often referred to as the rice that we give to cats as an alternative to cat foods. But don’t worry, this Sego Kucing name is just a name.

They name it because of the portion of Sego Kucing, which is usually quite small. Thanks to that, the price is also really really affordable.

2 – Sate Klathak

Moving from the first one, we want to introduce you to the meal called Sate Klathak. So is there any difference between this Sate and the others? There’s not any major different actually. The meat is goat meat, which seems to be pretty basic. But the difference is the stick. If the usual sate uses this kind of wooden stick, Sate Klathak rather uses the iron sticks.

Well, the good thing about these iron sticks is the ability to deliver the hot to inside the meat. When the process is done, the meat will be cooked inside and out.

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3 – Gudeg

For you have visited Yogyakarta city before, the name of Gudeg will be very much familiar. This iconic food of Yogyakarta is the thing you should get there. Aside from the affordable price, you can also get a nice portion of a nutritious meal. The taste is also sweet, and the Gudeg in Yogyakarta is even sweeter.

Inside a usual Gudeg, you can find a rice that added with some stuff like egg, vegetables, and also some meat if you’re lucky.

4 – Bakmi Jawa

The noodles also became the usual meals for many Indonesians. Even a product of an instant noodle becoming a trending topic in other countries. However, if you prefer to eat the other alternatives beside them, you can always try the Yogyakarta noodle called Bakmi Jawa. Bakmi is basically noddle with thinner form.

Inside a bowl of Bakmi Jawa, the things you can find are the noddles, of course, but also the spices, vegetables, and some meat.

5 – Oseng-oseng Mercon

And the other one in the unique foods must try in Yogyakarta during Ramadhan is Oseng-oseng mercon. If you don’t know, Oseng-oseng is a meal that consists of cows meat, kikil, and chillis. A lot of them. So you can expect to taste something that will burn your tongue while you eat it.

But, as Indonesians always are, the taste of Oseng-oseng Mercon is really addicting. The combination of tasteful and spicy is the best.

6 – Soto

As mentioned in our previous articles, Soto is considered to be our childhood meals where usually we eat it during our young times. But, once we grew up, the taste of Soto is still relevant to our tongues. However, in Yogyakarta, Soto is also considered as one of many things that you can easily get.

Especially, because you can get more than one kind of Soto in the city. The examples are Soto Sawah and Soto Bathok.

7 – Bakpia

As the next thing we’re gonna mention, Bakpia is actually not a dish or even a meal. But it’s considered as a snack, the Javanese snack that you can easily get in Yogyakarta, cause the city is also known for it. However, if you don’t have anything with you for breaking your fast, eating bakpia is also okay.

People usually eat it when they gathering or meeting with their friends. Usually, they eat it with a cup of warm tea. Even though it’s included as a snack, it can also fulfill.

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8 – Ayam Goreng

Ayam Goreng or basically fried chicken is a common thing to find in every city in Indonesia. You can have it both inside or outside the city of Yogyakarta. But, many said that eating a fried chicken in a traditional restaurant in Yogyakarta would be nice. Especially because they serve Ayam Kampung, or chicken from village farms.

Even though the meat of an Ayam Kampung is not as many as the usual chickens, but the meat is more tender. Also, this type of chicken is believed to be able to have rich taste so you can taste the spices even in the meat.

9 – Jadah Tempe

Just like Bakpia we mentioned earlier, Jada tempe is also considered as a traditional snack. In fact, Jada Temple is one of the favorable souvenirs from the city of Yogyakarta. To make a Jada Tempe, the process is actually quite long, starting from combining Ketan dough with some coconuts.

The taste is sweet, but not too sweet usually. If you want to find them, make your way to an area named Kaliurang in Sleman Yogyakarta. You should eat with some grated coconuts in order to make it more tasteful and sweet.

10 – Krecek

And the 10th one in the unique foods must try in Yogyakarta during Ramadhan is this thing called Krecek. Krecek is actually not a meal nor a snack. But, if it’s missing, many people will start to ask about it. Yes, Krecek is one traditional sambal in Yogyakarta. Eating wouldn’t be complete without it.

The taste of a Krecek Sambal is dominated with tasteful that comes from the ingredients other than the small chillis that bring the hotness up. If you want it, you can actually make one home yourself.

11 – Cilok Jajahan

Entering the 11th point of this article, we also want to tell you about the snacks that are suitable for breaking fast you can get in the city of Yogyakarta. The name of this snack is Cilok Jajahan. Cilok is the popular street food that you can get in basically every city of Indonesia. It consists of a combination of meat and flour.

But in the city of Yogyakarta, you can find another kind of Cilok named Cilok Jajahan. You can easily find it in the city Plazas or Alun-alun. Usually, the vendors who sell this Cilok will sell it there.

12 – Coklat Monggo

The next one is Coklat Monggo. For the people who love chocolate, this Coklat Monggo would be a great gift from Yogyakarta. This product is actually the famous chocolate product in Yogyakarta. Usually, the tourists buy it in some souvenir shops. And they usually buy more than one because of its delicacy.

The showroom of this Coklat Monggo is located in Kotagede area. It also has some kinds of flavor that you can choose. From the bitter one up to the sweet one. It can also be a gift for your partner, especially during the Valentine’s Day.

13 – Nasi Tiwul

Aside from the traditional Nasi(s) mentioned before as the traditional meals in Yogyakarta, you can also find one named Nasi Tiwul. Indonesia has some idea for combining rice with the other ingredients. Nasi Tiwul, is one product that is a result of a combination of rice and tiwul or cassava.

Back then, this was the main dish from Gunung Kidul area. But, because of its nutrition and interesting taste, the popularity kept spreading even to Yogyakarta city.

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14 – Sego Abang Jirak

Gunung Kidul also has another main dish aside from Nasi Tiwul above. They also have the red rice, which then named as Sego Abang Jirak. The rice, the red rice, is believed to be able to give more nutrition without adding more fat. That’s why many said that eating Sego Abang is healthier than usual white rice.

Sometimes, people also add Sambal Ijo in order to make the taste richer. They also add some meats and also special kerupuk.

15 – Sayur Lombok Ijo

And the last one on the list of unique foods must try in Yogyakarta during Ramadhan is Sayur Lombok Ijo. This vegetable is the one that completes Sego Abang Jirak. From the looks, it looks really similar to the vegetables that also use as an addition to Nasi Padang. It also has the Sambal Ijo, which is really spicy.

If you want to eat Sego Abang, then this sayur is a must, because it can add some flavor to it. But if you want it to be less spicy, you can add an only small portion of sambal.

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