
15 Socio Cultural Impacts Of Tourism In Bali

Where it is known that almost some people in Bali work and risk their fate in the areas related to tourism, so the impact of tourism itself, as a result, can help the welfare of society in Bali in general.

Where the spread of more tourism-related jobs can provide more employment opportunities to the people of Bali, with respect to indigenous peoples, positive damages to be gained are where opportunities are given to indigenous peoples who have distinctive arts in each region for introducing and simultaneously make as an income for the community.

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In addition to being a means of introduction and for livelihoods, tourism in Bali will eventually introduce to the international community the art of indigenous peoples in Bali to create an international recognition which will ultimately provide the protection of works of art to the arts as well as customs of indigenous peoples in Bali.

Here are some examples of the socio-cultural impacts of tourism in Bali that you can know:

1. Adding Jobs For The Balinese People

One of the socio-cultural impacts of tourism in Bali is opening up many jobs for human resources. Especially in the field of tourism, Bali is famous for its tour and the island is beautiful and also friendly. Many lodgings, restaurants, tourist attractions, tour guides need experts. This is able to reduce the impact of unemployment on the people of Bali. So much work can be done in Bali in accordance with applicable terms and conditions.

2. Helping the Society in Economics

Another positive impact for people in Bali is the relief of economic life. So as to provide smoothness in the field of business, both small and medium enterprises to the top. a lot of economic activities are done in Bali, anything while able and produce good finance will certainly provide a better life. This is certainly a huge benefit for the people of Bali.

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3. Introducing Balinese Art Works

One of the things that became the socio-cultural impacts of tourism in Bali is to introduce a lot of Balinese artworks. Many cindermata are made by handmade, which is, of course, attractive to tourists. Both local tourists and foreign tourists. This is certainly a turnover and huge profits for the economy on the island of Bali. Souvenirs made with unique and only in Bali can get it. Starting from the display, clothes, paintings, key chains, hats, statues and much more.

4 Introducing Balinese Culture and Arts

With the field of tourism on the island of Bali is an impact on introducing local cultures such as art, dance, clothes and Balinese cultural objects. Lots of local cultures are in demand and enjoyed by tourists, it is a proof that Balinese culture and arts have been known even to the world. With the culture and art of Bali much to contribute to the tourism of Indonesia in the future.

5. Distributing Artists Spread into the International World

The benefit of the socio-cultural impacts of tourism in Bali is the opportunity of artists. Both dance artists, sculptures, paintings, and others to introduce the results to the world through foreign tourists. The work of a beautiful and stunning of course will be much preferred by many people, especially now the world of technology increasingly sophisticated. It opened the eyes of the world about culture and art in Bali is admirable and should be lined up as an International work.

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6. Providing Support and Recognition of Culture and Art in Bali

Having a great variety of arts and cultures is a magnificent splendor for Indonesia. Especially Bali, this, of course, must be guarded and protected. By giving and acknowledging all cultural artworks to be not recognized by other countries. Because this is a state asset and will be a legacy in the future.

7. Able to Develop Development and Infrastructure

The more tourist centers, then the other impact of the socio-cultural impacts of tourism in Bali is able to push on the level of development and infrastructure in the tourism sector. Examples with the many constructions of hotels, resorts, restaurants, natural attractions, and many other facilities that are destined for the field of tourism. This can certainly channel more local workforce.

8. Able to Grow Regional Economy Level

With the increase of development in various fields, certainly can have a positive impact on the economic growth of the regional level especially in Bali. The income per capita of the Balinese people will rise, and the economic activity will increase. Moreover, regional revenue must be high in the existing tourism sector.

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9. Able To Advance In The Field Of Transportation

Another impact of the socio-cultural impacts of tourism in Bali is to improve progress in the field of transportation. For example building new highways, public transport such as MRT or LRT, public buses, taxi online and many more. This is because of the need for the tourists and immigrants in Bali.

10. Growing a Cultural Blend Through Technology and Information

The growing field of tourism, the more blend is also a blend of culture through technology and information gained. Mixing of things that cultivate new facets of information that would have a positive impact for the people of Bali. New things that have a good impact will make Bali become more modern and more developed and advanced in the future. Of course, this will make Bali as an international destination.


In addition to the above explanation, the following is still with the socio-cultural impacts of tourism in Bali that affect the life there:

  • With the activities of tourism and access for tourists to vacation in Bali. So it can provide motivation for the people in Bali to maintain, preserve and give a warm and courteous welcome to immigrants. This is the attraction for foreign tourists and also local.
  • Introducing Balinese food and drink. With the many tourists who come to make the opportunity for the people of Bali to develop food and beverage area that can be the world menu in the future.
  • The negative aspect of the socio-cultural impacts of tourism in Bali is the existence of business competition in the same field. This if not handled properly, it will cause dangerous friction. Therefore, it is necessary to have rules and laws to reinforce the distribution of business, in order to create a healthy atmosphere of competition.
  • Another impact of high culture in Bali is the influence of the exchange rate of foreign currency. So the dollar can boost sharply, resulting from the use of dollars.
  • The existence of social inequality and jealousy, due to too much entry of tourists. Both from different social, economic and cultural perspectives make local people see it as a difference. Not to mention in terms of distinguishable facilities, it is increasingly creating different levels of social life.

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This explanation of the 15 socio-cultural impacts of tourism in Bali. Hopefully useful and happy holiday.

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