
Top 25 Unusual Souvenirs of Indonesia

Indonesian people are always creative. They can create some stuff in their own areas by using the materials provided by the nature around them, and turn it into a good that has a value for selling. They are the souvenirs.

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Talking about souvenirs, maybe some people who come to Indonesia feel in love with the traditional goods that the locals made. And of course, they want to bring them home by buying them. And here we want to provide you with a list about the best souvenirs of Indoneisa that you can get with such an affordable price.

1. Wayang or Puppets

Maybe you already know it, that Indonesia has different kind of puppets called Wayang Kulit. These Wayang Kulits are originally made from the cow’s leather and the other animal leather like goats. But that is the form of puppets or wayang kulit that we usually meet.

But as souvenirs, that tourists really like the form of a wayang inside a painting scroll, masks, and also the wooden or leather puppet itself. The tourists can use the wayang as either a toy to play with their kids or just for collections.

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2. Wooden Crafts

Beside the art of Wayang Kulit, Indonesia also known for having large collections of wooden crafts. Almost every area in Indoneisa as their own special wooden craftings. For example, the islands o Java, Sumatra, or even Papua has very unique items that can’t be found anywhere else.

There are also varieties of wooden crafts that  can be found on the souvenir shops like wall clock, chairs, tables, or even tissue holder. Beside the simples, there are also complicated ones like Rama and Sinta statues, dragon ornaments, and wooden masks.

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3. Miniatures

In everyday’s life, people usually getting familiar with the things around them. If one tourist spend some more time in the city like Jakarta, then he or she will be much familiar with things like bajai, becak, and the monas or national monument.

To bring all those nostalgic experience, one should buy a thing that can make them remember all the memories, all beautiful memories that they’ve experience before. That’s why, miniatures can be avery simple thing yet strong, for the tourists to buy.

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4. Indonesia Accessories

Well, of course women love accessories. Indonesia is one place that has it all, starting from the necklace, up to the earrings. If you usually buy some accessory in the shop in malls, which usually covered in silver or gold, then maybe you can try to buy for other materials based things.

For example, there’s famous silver crafts in Yogyakarta inside the Kotagede area, which has top quality of silver crafts. Beside that, you can also swith to the songket cloth accessory that originated from Nusa Tenggara areas. That’s one of a kind.

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5. Indonesian snacks

Beside the crafts, there are some number of snacks that are very famous in Indonesia, that maybe can also be suitable for the tounge of the tourists. It’s a good thing to buy some snacks, beside, you can eat them while on the plane.

If you want to bring some of the snacks abroad, just make sure that the snacks have longer expired date, because the weather condition can give some effects to the snacks, turning them into uneatable foods.

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6. Coffee

It’s not a secret anymore that Indonesia is also number one coffee producer in the world. It even has a very expensive coffee, the luwak coffee, which is so famous now. Like the handicrafts above, each area in Indonesia surely has its own coffee, a special and unique one that can differ it from the others.

If you happen to have much budget that specially preserved for coffees, then you can go shopping some of the best coffee in Indonesia like Toraja, Gayo, Sidikalang, and also Luwak Coffe itself. Many people would like to buy the seed version, because the coffee wil be produced better depends on their own appetite.

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7. Kretek Cigarette

Yes, we all know that smoking is a very dangerous thing, it can kill people within years. But, Indonesia known for having large companies that produce this kind of cigarette called Kretek cigarette, which has very affordable price.

If you happen to have friends or the other family members who would love to smoke, maybe you can bring them some of this Kretek cigarette, and ask them how is the taste. Also they come with very cheap price, bring them some more.

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8. Indonesian Known Sambal

Indonesian people love spicy stuff. They can even make something new as along as it has chilli in it. If you gazing around on the business are when there are a lot of restaurants and some food stals, you can see that there are numbers of them who sell spicy products.

The thing called Sambal in Indonesia is totally one of  a kind. The spiciness level is maybe the hottest one on all the areas in Asia. So, let your family taste the famou sambals in Indonesia by buying the kinds of sambal like sambal matah, sambal terasi, and others.

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9. Indonesian Instant Noodle

The Indonesian instant noddles are so famous in the world now. Everybody is talking about it like it’s a new amazing human creation or something. The thing about the noddle is the spices, that make those noddles having that very colourful taste.

So why don’t you bring the packs of Indonesian noddles for your relatives back home. Surely this is the great opportunity for you to bring them, and enjoy all together with your mates. The price? They are very cheap. You can get one with a penny.

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10. Bakpia

The thing called Bakpia is also one of the Indonesian snacks that available in many cake and souvenir stores, especially the ones in Yogyakarta. Not only providing us with the taste of crispy skin, the Bakpia also has the inner core, which is the important thing about this Bakpia.

Many people can be creative with this one. They can combine anything and put it inside this snack. For example, you can add nutela inside it. Or, if you can, you can fill it with different fruit jams that when combined can create wonderful flavor.

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11. Lumpia

Lumpia is another snack in here that you should get when visiting Indonesia. It looks prety simple actually, you can have some of it even just by the road. Some poeple will sell it if you lucky enough. If you don’t it’s still easy to find one at your neares traditional market.

Lumpia is great, especially when combined with the sauce and chillis. The combination between the hot sauce and also the fresh vegetables on the inside is what the people love about this snack. You can buy the frozen version of Lumpia too if you want.

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12. Pempek

The next thing, which is also snack is Pempek. Pempek is the traditinal food from Palembang area, that’s why people in Indonesia always say this food as Pempek Palembang. It has so many varieties, byt basically the form is just the same.

Many people love it  because one, it has such a unique flavor thanks to its basic material then combined with the sauce, and two, it’s pretty easy to get it because there will be the Pempek sellers on the city, usually going around with their wagon.

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13. Dodol

This one is the best choice if you want to introduce the people from outer countries about the snack in Indonesia. The colour is great, and the taste, well, pretty unique. It has so sticky texture of course, that’s why kids should wash their teeth after eating it.

Some say it’s a candy, but the others will say this is snack. Whatever trully it is, Dodol is always the best souvenir from Garut, West Java area. Even though you’re not visiGarut, West Java area. Even though you’re not visiting that area, you can get one at your nearest food shops.

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After seeing the thirteen kind of souvenirs of Indonesia, we also want to introduce you to the other specific stuff in Indonesia that always be a favorite for everyone. Here’s another list with the other 12 types of souvenirs of Indonesia for you.

  1. SH Sweet Soy Sauce
  2. Key Chains
  3. Bolu
  4. Wingko Babat
  5. Baruasa
  6. Milk Pie
  7. Getuk
  8. Traditional hand made bags
  9. Gipang Cake
  10. Ceplis
  11. Rosella Syrup
  12. Bandeng Satay

So waht kind of stuff that you want to bring to home? Make sure that your flight time won’t affect the stuff you bought like the foods, because mostly the traditional foods in Indonesia don’t have that long expired date.

Why? Because they made purely by the natural materials and also made by human hands mostly, not by automatic machine or added with something chemicals. Make sure that your souvenirs still in a good condition after you arrive at your destination.


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