
8 The Famous Traditional Dance of Cirebon

Have you ever heard about traditional dance from Cirebon? Cirebon is one of the cities in Indonesia that is rich in Cirebon traditional culture which is different from traditional dances from Bangka Belitung.

Most traditional dances from Cirebon have already existed since the Cirebon kingdom era. The traditions are kept properly by most people in Cirebon as they are aware of the part of cultural heritage in Indonesia.

Local believes that some traditional dances from Cirebon contain magic which sacred value of the Cirebon culture that is different from the most isolated tribes in Indonesia. These kinds of dance commonly perform after the dancer finished the ritual led by the local shaman.

If you are wondering what kind of traditional dance is from Cirebon, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Sintren dance

Sintren dance is one of the traditional dances from Cirebon that locals believe it has full of magic that looks similar to some traditional dances from Central Java. It used to represent the struggle of some men that fight over a woman after celebrating the success of the war.

Later on, after independence was declared, the Sintren dance is well-known as the love story of Selasih and Sulandana. The song that followed the dance represented their love story which is different from some traditional dances from Banten.

Some people in Cirebon also make Sintren dance as the media to spreads the Islamic culture. They use different lyrics in the song that represent Islamic culture. The song and the dance are followed by Cirebon traditional music instruments such as Buyung, Tutukan, Bumbung, Kendi, and Kecrek.

2. Tayuban dance

Tayuban dance is one of the traditional dances from Cirebon that represent the gathering of good men. This kind of traditional dance used to only be performed for the Cirebon kingdom.

Tayuban dance used to perform to welcome guests in the Cirebon kingdom. The dance is commonly followed by a traditional musical instrument from Cirebon, Waditra Pengiring Pergelaran Tayuban.

Tayuban dance is a complex dance that should be performed by following step by step. There is even a specific team that manages the dance from the start to the end of the performance with different functions.

3. Nyi Mas Gandasari dance

Nyi Mas Gandasari dance is one of the traditional dances from Cirebon that was inspired by the legend of the Cirebon princess, Nyi Mas Gandasari. This kind of dance represents the struggle of the princess when fighting in the war over the Galuh Pakuan kingdom.

Nyi Mas Gandasari is a well-known princess in Cirebon for her smartness and beauty. That is why the movement on dance comes with a slow and soft movement at the start. The musical instrument that followed the dance also came soft to hear.

During the middle of the dance of Nyi Gandasari dance, the movement will come faster and more agile. It represents the way the princess fights over the enemy during the war.

4. Topeng Kelana

Topeng dance, or mask dance, is pretty well-known in Cirebon’s culture. The Topeng Kelana is one of the traditional dances from Cirebon that becomes typical of the Topeng dance.

Topeng Kelana represents the bad manner and attitudes among humans that would bring bad luck to them. There is a story in this dance that represents the main character of the angry king name Prabu Klana Sewandana, that fall in love with Dewi Candra Kirana, the princess of Kediri.

Topeng Kelana is commonly played using the Rahwana mask that represents the icon of an angry person in the Ramayana puppet story. The dancer would perform followed by Gunjing, the traditional musical instrument from Cirebon.

5. Topeng Tumenggung

Topeng Tumenggung is one of the traditional dances from Cirebon that represent the evolving human when reaches their coming to age. In this stage, humans commonly try to find their true selves.

Tumenggung in Topeng Tumenggung dance is a main character that represents the army of the Cirebon kingdom. He is pictured as a person that has good responsibility, a good attitude, and a perfect soul of Korsa.

Topeng Tumenggung in Cirebon describes the way humans reach their transition to be the wiser person pictured in the perfect soul of Korsa.

6. Topeng Rumyang

Topeng Rumyang is one of the traditional dances from Cirebon that represent the change of the night into the day and vice versa. Rumyang in Sundanese tribes pictures as the change of the transition of humans from children into a young adults.

Topeng Rumyang has a lighter movement to express the joy of the transition of humans when they reach young adult time. That makes this kind of dance is followed by loud musical instruments to show joy.

7. Topeng Samba

Topeng Samba is one of the traditional dances from Cirebon that represent the cuteness of the toddler. This kind of dance describes the way toddlers live joyful, happy, agile, and curious, but have so many doubts.

Topeng Samba contains faster movement that represents the agility of an active toddler. The music that follows the dance also comes louder than the usual Topeng dance in Cirebon.

8. Topeng Panji

Topeng Panji is one of the traditional dances from Cirebon that represent the pureness of the baby that was just born to the world. The dance describes how pure human is when they are born.

Topeng Panji contains a simple movement which calls as the Adeg Adeg. The dancer will be wearing a white mask without any color and traditional clothes from Cirebon that has a white color with fewer ornaments.

So, there are some of the traditional dances from Cirebon that represent the evolution of human growth. Have you ever watched those dances? Let’s pack your bag and get ready to explore Cirebon to watch some of those dances.

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