
13 Best Off-Road Trails in Indonesia

Ever done or tried off-road? a very challenging and fun sport. Many people who like this activity may be you. Indeed, this hobby includes a fairly expensive category, but not for the lover. The definition of Off-road is driving a vehicle outside the highway, whether it is dirt, mud, sand, river, or rock that is still in the condition as it is. Or in other words a trip with a motorized vehicle outside the paved road. The complete  traveling tips to Indonesia in rainy season.

Off-road is an automotive sport that uses a 4-wheel drive car. The types of cars used are jeeps or types of SUVs or Sports Utility Vehicles. From the past until now, there have been many enthusiasts and fans. For that, please know the following are the best off-road trails in Indonesia that you can try:

1. Upas Hill

Located at the top of Bukit Upas which has an altitude of 1956 masl, and is located in the Tangkuban Perahu area. The sensation of exploring the streets here is a favorite of tourists because the streets are very suitable for use at dawn, and at the peak, you can watch the sunrise or sunrise. But to reach this place is not easy, in addition to a trip that is quite far away, also the terrain of the road is somewhat challenging adrenaline because it is muddy and rocky. The complete  tips for tourists in Indonesia.

Because the road to reach this location is muddy and rocky, many Land Rover car communities often visit this place. In addition to off-road cars, a trail bike is also suitable for use to visit this place. Generally, visitors depart from midnight and arrive at Upas Hill Tangkuban Perahu at sunrise or sunrise.

2. Rahong Forest, Pangalengan

Off-road locations in the next Bandung are Pangalengan which are very interesting for you to try, different sights with Off-road in other areas become an attraction for visitors to Adventure tourism, Off-road on Pangalengan will be presented with natural scenery when starting to enter the initial track entering the Rahong forest surrounded by trees pine commonly used in Paintball games.

Then headed for Riung Gunung village a very beautiful area surrounded by towering mountains, and also decorated with views of tea plantations whose air is very cool and the aroma of fresh tea, also the difficult track becomes a challenge and memorable for off-road lovers.

3. Cikole, Lembang

The next best off-road trails in Indonesia are Cikole, located in Lembang. Off-road lanes in Bandung located in Sukawana Cikole Village, Lembang precisely in Leuweung Kunthi and through tea plantations and through pine forests. This gives a special impression for Off-roaders using Landy / Land Rover. That said, the Sukawana-Cikole line has been around since colonial times. The beautiful royal palace in Indonesia you can visit.

Initially, this path was a trail then opened by the Land Rover Club Bandung community (LRCB) Outbound Off-road activities became a favorite choice in family gathering events. Through the 20 km track, the Medan off-road Sukawana-Cikole is quite heavy. The path that divides the Jatiwangi Forest has three basins in muddy, steep, steep and narrow. A long track will surround Mount Burangrang and Tangkuban Perahu, adrenaline will continue to be driven during the trip to the location.

4. Ciwidey

Ciwidey area may have been discussed a lot of various sites ranging from its natural coolness, cool tea plantations and stunning natural scenery through the muddy and rocky road in Situ Patenggang (Patenggang Lake) Ciwidey, which is certainly no less exciting than Off-road places in other Bandung. With fun off-road, it is very fun besides getting a natural treat that is so beautiful by holding this off-road tour activity tourists will get a new experience of adventure and direct contact with nature.

5. Mount Bromo

Beautiful mountain ranges and desert trails make Bromo the number one favorite location chosen for off-road. The desert track requires a vehicle to get past it. There are several unique scenic spots such as sunrise in Pananjakan, Bromo crater, Teletubbies hill, Ranupani lake, and others. Unmatched natural conditions. History and culture can be seen from the daily life of Hindu Tengger people. Hence the best restaurants in Ubud Indonesia you must try.

6. Kasepuhan Ciptagelar, Sukabumi

The next best off-road trails in Indonesia are in the Sukabumi area. With a vehicle, you can go through an alternative route to Kasepuhan through the forest of Gunung Halimun National Park. The rocky track is quite safe. Only must be considered in the event of rain. The rainforest that will be passed in the Gunung Halimun National Park is a natural canopy forest. The river that can be used for bathing, leopard animals, Java eagle animals, is a “facility” offered along the way.

7. Batur Mountain, Bali

There is an off-road track right beside Lake Batur to go to the foot of Mount Batur. The scenery is very beautiful and not forgotten. A varied route between volcanic sand and mountain rocks. You can see free two beautiful canvas at once; Lake Batur and Mount Batur. You can also do camp along the off-road. Visitors are not too crowded on this track. Maybe occasionally you will meet tourists who use mountain bikes or trail bikes at that location so that it adds to the crowded atmosphere. The following the things must not do in Bali Indonesia.

8. Seimanggaris Forest, North Kalimantan

Located on the border between two countries; Malaysia and Indonesia in North Kalimantan are located deep in the forest. Feeling the experience of penetrating Borneo rain forest is a pleasant experience. In the area called Seimanggaris there are guard posts for both countries in the forest. The majority is still in the form of land, so you cannot adventure with just one vehicle.

Invite friends with two or three other vehicles to help if there is a change in weather from dry to wet The roar of super large trees typical of Borneo is an unusual sight. The tracks are quite challenging especially when the rainy season comes to add adrenaline.

9. Cikembang Beach, Sukabumi

The next best off-road trails in Indonesia are the Cikembang beach, Sukabumi, West Java. You will pass one small river, one estuary, and a beach sand road to reach it. This beach is a beach located not far from Pelabuhan Ratu. Off-road paths are quite pleasant because the road is not too deep, so beginners can also travel while enjoying the surrounding scenery. Hence the best surfing in Indonesia our recommendations.

10.  Sumedang

Tourists from outside the city and local can enjoy off-road tours with a distance of only about 20 kilometers or a one-hour private drive to Jatinangor District, Sumedang Regency. The route is also often passed by dirt bike riders, mountain bikes, and all-terrain vehicles. Areas that can be traversed are Ciloa, Cibacang, and Barubeureum in Sindangsari Village, Sukasari District.

The choice of route can be started from Bandung Giri Gahana Golf and Resort or Padjadjaran University. The hardest level is semi-extreme, for example, a Land Rover tire has been submerged in mud.

In addition to the example above, regarding the best off-road trails in Indonesia that you can try next is like the following example:

  • Pasir Hayam Track Off-road, Bogor, a pleasant location used for off-road tours. Known as Sentul Hayam Market. It’s not playing hard when crossing this line, Friend Traveler will be invited to ‘conquer’ a layer of mud as deep as 40 cm. At least there are 5 difficult handicaps here. Starting from the incline, the river rises with rocky paths, up to a fairly deep incline. The topmost dangerous beach in Indonesia.
  • Citeko Off-road, Bogor, uses special powered vehicles, conquering challenges in the paths at the Gunung Mas Tea Plantation. The off-road location on Citeko Peak will feature a row of tea trees and extreme trails in the uphill wild forest.
  • Cigelong Off-road, Sukabumi, starts from the banks of the Citarik River to then proceed through lush and cool rubber and oil palm plantations. Along the way, some heavy terrain will be presented for you.

From some of the recommendations above, which choice do you want to try? Hopefully, it can make new challenges and experiences as long as you do off-road. Such is the best of off-road trails in Indonesia and see you.

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