
14 Ecotourism Activities in Raja Ampat : Gems of Western Archipelago

So, aside from the Lombok island we mentioned earlier in the previous article, you can also visit another location called Raja Ampat. For the people who are in love with the world of diving in snorkeling in Indonesia, the name is not that strange anymore. Raja Ampat is so famous for its popular diving locations or sites.

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Raja Ampat is not just one big island. But, it’s actually the name of the island complex that consists of some iconic islands, including the Komodo Island, Labuan Bajo, and Rinca Island. But, diving is not the only thing you can do here because there are some ecotourism activities in Raja Ampat such as :

1 – Batanta Waterfall

The first one on the ecotourism activities in Raja Ampat is a waterfall called Batanta. You know, when visiting Raja Ampat, you can find so many kinds of the waterfall, this one included. Well, Batanta has the usual aspects that every waterfall got, like the stream, some stones, and the cozy green environment.

Other than that, Batanta waterfall is actually really clean and so fresh. No wonder the tourists always want to try its water.

Location: Batanta Island

Opening Hours: Always opens

Average Cost: Free entry

2 – Lake Sentani

The second one is the Lake Sentani, one beautiful hidden located on the wide Raja Ampat. This location is actually the top famous location on Papua island. It’s like all people of Papua know the name of Lake Sentani. Aside from serving you with the gorgeous view, Sentani also has about 30 species of fish.

Also, sometimes the locals will hold this special event called Sentani Lake Festival. You’re very lucky if you meet them.

Location:  Jayapura, Papua

Opening Hours: Always opens

Average Cost: Rp20.000,-

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3 – Pianemo

If you imagine Raja Ampat, you’ll see the groups of the island on the location. The one called Pianemo is one of them. The island exists right in the center of Raja Ampat islands complex. Most of the tourists, especially foreigners, would always come to this location in order to get a nice picture of Raja Ampat.

There’s a platform that preserved about some meters above Pianemo for the tourists. There they could prepare their camera and witness the beauty of Raja Ampat.

Location: Raja Ampat, Papua

Opening Hours: Always opens

Average Cost: Rp50.000,-

4 – Sawinggrai Village

Other than the natural locations in the list of ecotourism activities in Raja Ampat, we also want to introduce you to some villages located around Raja Ampat with the purpose of knowing the Raja Ampat better via looking at the locals’ behavior. The first village is this Sawinggrai Village.

The location of this village is about 2 or 4 hours maximum from Waisai, the capital of Raja Ampat. This village is mostly known for having a spectacular diving spot that you could try.

Location: Sawinggrai, Raja Ampat

Opening Hours: 4 am to 9 pm (suitable time to visit)

Average Cost: Free entry

5 – Sauwandarek Village

There’s also another one called Sauwandarek Village. A bit different from the village above, Sauwandarek Village can be said to be less advanced. But, that doesn’t stop its people to be really creative when using natural resources. People of Sauwandarek are known as crafters, who create handicrafts from Pandan leaves.

You can even buy some of their products such as a hat or bag, which is really unique and valuable. Plus the price is also really friendly.

Location: Sauwandarek, Raja Ampat

Opening Hours: 4 am to 10 pm (suitable time to visit)

Average Cost: Free entry

6 – Pasir Timbul

You know, there are these locations that you can call as Pasir Timbul in Indonesia. You can find about two different Pasir Timbul(s) in the country, one in Lampung, and one in Raja Ampat. All of them are basically the same. The form of both of them is very much alike. Sand is going up on the water surface, forming this kind of small sand island.

People usually come to the location using the small boat in order to reach the Pasir Timbul. They often go there in order to take some pictures or just fulfilling their curiosity.

Location: Waisai, Waiego, Raja Ampat

Opening Hours: Opns 24 hours

Average Cost: Rp100.000,-

7 – Wayag Island

As said before, in Raja Ampat you’ll find lots of islands. Wayag island is the icon of Raja Ampat. The picture you’ve seen on the internet is maybe the face of Wayag Island. Aside from its beauty, the place is really accommodation for many purposes. Say you really like fishing, you can do that here.

Do you also love diving? Here’s the best place. Wayag Island also serves as a resting place for wandering boats.

Location: Wayag, Raja Ampat

Opening Hours: Opens 24 hours

Average Cost: Rp25.000,-

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8 – The Pencil Stone

You know, aside from finding the usual island, with usual kind of form, you can also find the Pencil stone that surely is included inside the ecotourism activities in Raja Ampat. So what is this place actually? The Pencil Stone is the icon of an area named Kabui Strait in Raja Ampat. The form really resembles the point of a pencil.

Even though it’s not 100% similar, the Pencil Stone still really a unique location that you should visit when coming to Raja Ampat.

Location: Kabui Strait, Raja Ampat

Opening Hours: Opens 24 hours

Average Cost: Rp100.000,-

9 – Star Lagoon

If you want to visit one location for a romantic event, then you should come to Star Lagoon. You know, you can do a lot of things in the location, including taking pictures, swimming, snorkeling, and others. For you who don’t know, the interesting thing about this lagoon is its shape.

Rather than being a circle like any lagoon in general, this one has a star-like shape. That’s why it’s a really unique one than the other else.

Location: West Waigeo, Raja Ampat

Opening Hours: Opens 24 hours

Average Cost: Rp75.000,-

10 – Misool Island

Another island in Raja Ampat that worth to visit is Misool Island. Misool island location is a bit different than the other else because it’s surrounded by this kind of stone walls. Also, you can see the lines of coral with the endemic species that live nearby including the great sharks, turtles, and the clownfishes.

Usually, the tourists will use this long boat that can fit about 8 people or so. Sometimes, even bring fishing rods in order to catch those beautiful fishes.

Location: Raja Ampat, West Papua

Opening Hours: Opens 24 hours

Average Cost: Rp50.000,-

11 – Yenbuba Island

The next island on the list is the one called Yenbuba Island. For anyone who would try to enjoy the new sit for diving in snorkeling, this is the place. The Yenbuba is suitable for all divers, including the newbies. The water is so clear, and there’s not a single dangerous animal was found nearby.

Location: West Papua

Opening Hours: pens 24 hours

Average Cost: Rp20.000,-

12 – Friwen Island

The next one on ecotourism activities in Raja Ampat is also an island called Friwen. The island is mostly known for having a beautiful beach with white soft sand and crystal clear water. It only takes about half an hour or an hour from Waisai by using a small fisherman’s boat.

Location: Friwen, Raja Ampat

Opening Hours: Opens 24 hours

Average Cost: Rp50.000,-

See also:

13 – Ayau Island

Meanwhile, Ayau island looks so small. The island is covered with sand of course, but the highlight of this location is the coral setting with a coconut tree on the center. People usually use this spot for pre-wed photos because it’s really amazing and beautiful. Even though it’s really pretty, but some said that the island is a bit hard to visit.

Location: West Papua

Opening Hours: Opens 24 hours

Average Cost: Rp50.000,-

14 – Saporkren Village

And for the last place, we want to introduce you to a village named Saporkren. The village is located on the west of Waigeo island or Raja Ampat. The village is included inside the West Waigeo Conservation. That’s why the village looks really conserved and the beauty of it is still original.

Location: Waisai, Raja Ampat

Opening Hours: 5 am to 9 pm (suitable time to visit)

Average Cost: Free entry

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