
8 Protected Endangered Birds in Indonesia

Indonesia has so many unique faunas that make the country rich in unique animals. Most of them are even categorized as the rarest animals in the world. From the types of tiger, Orang Utan, birds, many more Indonesia has them all.

Javanese Elang

The type of Indonesian animals varies from the wild tame into the endangered one. It comes for very types of animals even for the Indonesian birds. They are not unique and beautiful but also has the side of endangered for their living existences.

Speaking of the endangered bird in Indonesia that is protected by the Indonesian government, this time we summarized one of them based on so many resources. Let’s see some of them below!

1. Jalak Bali

Jalak Bali becomes one of the most critically endangered birds in Indonesia that you can find on Bali island as one of the native animals in Bali. This kind of bird has a low amount of species from year to year. Nowadays, there are only under 50 species of them that living in Bali.

Jalak Bali has a beautiful color of white all over the body, a black strip around their tail, and deep blue around their eye. Their chirp sound heavenly good, which makes so many people love them.

2. Red Cendrawasih

Red Cenrawasih becomes one of the most endangered birds in Indonesia than you can find around Papuan province with the largest forest in Indonesia. This bird is so popular with the paradise birds as the population comes from the species of Paradisaeidae bird.

Red Cendrawasih has a beautiful combination color of brown, yellow, orange, and green over the body. The tail commonly has a long size with pure white color. The beauty of their fur makes people illegally hunt them which makes them extinct slowly.

Nowadays, it is so hard to find the red Cendrawasih even at the zoo. That is why the Indonesian government keeps protecting this bird from illegal hunting that still crushes its population.

3. Green Merak

Green Merak becomes one of the most endangered birds in Indonesia that you can find in some Indonesian forest conservatory. Some of them living in Ujung Kulon national park, Baluran national park, and Alas Purwo national park.

Green Merak has its iconic beauty of the color and tail with a great combination of green and blue over the body. Once they spread their tail, the beauty of the bird is complete.

The population of green Merak becomes rapidly extinct from time to time in Indonesia. Deforestation makes the population slowly decreased as the main habitat of this kind of bird is hard to live outside the forest.

4. Javanese Elang

Javanese Elang becomes one of the most endangered animals in Indonesia that comes from the species of hawk. This type of hawk is living around the Javanese forest and becomes the most iconic bird in Indonesian history.

Javanese Elang becomes the symbol of Garuda Indonesia as one of the most protected birds. They are living under the conservatory forest to keep their long life from extinction.

Nowadays, the population of Javanese Elang is around 200 species, which makes them low in amount. The Indonesian government keep the conservatory and banned whoever hunt them illegally.

5. Cica Daun Sumatra

Cica Daun Sumatra becomes one of the endangered birds in Indonesia as one of the unusual animals in Indonesia. Lately, their population has decreased drastically from year to year towards so many illegal hunters. The beauty of the color and great chirp becomes the reason why this animal hunt illegally.

Cica Daun Sumatra has a combination color of green, yellow-gold, and light blue over the tail. The green color of the body makes them difficult to see around the tree. Commonly they live around Sumatran rain forest and some Java forest at the conservatory forest.

6. Javanese Empuloh Jenggot

Javanese Empuloh Jenggot becomes one of the endangered birds in Indonesia that you can find around deep forests in Java island, Sumatra, and Kalimantan that has natural wonders of Indonesia. This kind of bird becomes so popular by their chirp that heavenly sound to hear.

The population of Javanese Empuloh Jenggot becomes rare from year to year due to so many illegal hunters. One bird can be price more than millions of IDR, making so many people want to keep them as a pet.

7. Gosong Tanimbar

Gosong Tanimbar becomes one of the endangered birds in Indonesia that you can find Java island, Flores, Banda island, and some Nusa Tenggara mangrove forest. They live separately from other birds because they can’t fly high as usual birds.

Gosong Tanimbar is a type of bird that looks similar to a chicken. The population decreased rapidly from time to time because their eggs keep hunted by other predators such as weasel and monitor lizards.

8. Javanese Trulek

Javanese Trulek becomes one of the most endangered birds in Indonesia that you can find around the Javanese forest near the south of the seashore.

The population becomes rare lately, and it is so hard to find one of the Javanese Trek. Some researchers find that deforestation of the wet area of the seashore forest makes them extinct slowly.

Javanese Trulek has a beautiful combination color of light brown and white all over the body. It has a yellow beak and a light of black that makes it more beautiful to look at.

So, some of the most endangered birds in Indonesia are protected by the Indonesian government. Most of them are living under the conservatory forest to make them safe from deforestation and illegal hunter. Have you ever seen them all so far?

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