
25 Facts About Bullying in Indonesia

It’s clear indeed,  to see the bullying level that occurred lately, Indonesia itself into the level of no. 2 cases of bullying, largest after Vietnam and Cambodia. Of course very heartbreaking is not it?.

Many facts that have occurred from the school, home environment up to street children. All experienced cases of violence among people, from a few cases only a few percents of which unfold. The remaining many cases remain unresolved, many of the causes of bullying cases occurring are rarely reported by victims or victims’ families.

One of the factors, for fear of intimidation of others and the arena of seeing the legislation in Indonesia, is still less proportionate and selective. If you want to investigate and openly, of course, this case will be different again the story.

Increasingly revealed a dark screen that haunts the victims of bullying. It is fitting for parents, educators, neighborhood officers around the house until the authorities to standby and be wary of the existence of such acts. The danger that lurks the young generation of Indonesia, of course, this is very bad. The victim is depressed even up to a bleak future. Here are some facts about bullying happening in our country:

1.Bullying Cases Performed at Schools and Universities

Students who become victims of bullying are numerous, ranging from elementary to college level. For those of you who have become a force off the 1990s must have felt the name of upgrading or P4 (guidance, appreciation, a practice of Pancasila), where at that time every student should do things related to understanding Pancasila. However unfortunately many are abusing these activities. So it happened that the name of bullying. Neither state nor private institutions are left out of a case like this. Read more about Indonesian Education System

2. Enforcing for Very Low Performers

It is not a new item if the law in Indonesia is very lame. The number of cases of bullying is not much if the total reported is still covered or not covered. Many causes that make this case silent unpunished, among them:

3. Women and Special  children Needs Often Becomes Bullying Victims

Victims of bullying often occur in women and children with special needs because these victims are usually identical with weaknesses and inadequacy to resist. So vulnerable to bullying. Read more about Interesting Facts about Indonesian National Day

4. Effects of Depression and Suicide due to Bullying

Due to the excessive bullying of the negative effects, the victim becomes traumatized, depressed even to the suicide rate. This is because the psychological victim is insured and harassed by association. Read more about Facts about Child Labor in Indonesia

5. Bullying Often Physically Torture

Not infrequently cases of bullying cause injury and even defects in the victim, even until someone dies. Very concerned, the harsh treatment of beatings is often done by the bullying so that the victim’s physical target.

6. Factor Parents, Educators, and the Environment

In this case, as parents, teachers, academics and related stakeholders should be more sensitive to the case. Already many victims are isolated even the case is considered an emergency. Attention and also communication is very important to keep the child from the danger of bullying. Read more about Things to Learn in Jakarta

7. Bullying number The Higher the Day

The level of bullying cases found by KPAI every day marks a fairly high number. Every day there are cases of bullying in schools almost 7%. If calculated as a whole can be imagined how many cases.

8. Children Mentality Who is Less Ready

Children who are left alone in everyday social intercourse. Without control and monitoring from parents, it is very negative for the child. Most children who experience this case due to the attention of parents who are lacking, so that knowledge is limited. Schools are rarely educators who urge their students to stay away from these bad deeds.

9. Limitations of Science About Bullying

Whether in school, campus, residence and even places of worship should more often provide the danger of bullying. Thus, it is expected to avoid the occurrence of similar cases let alone until the victim. Read more about How to Adopt a Child in Indonesia

10. Bully Vulnerable Schoolchildren

Indeed, all the victims of bullying can happen to anyone, only the most common in children aged 10-15 years. This society is very vulnerable, coupled with the association and the lack attention from parents and the environment.

11. No Science Raises Bullying Hazards

It is unfortunate that every educational institution has not yet applied knowledge about the dangers of bullying. Should this be an emergency case, certain guidelines should be made to stay away from this act so that all parties know the dangers and effects of bullying for the younger generation. Here’s an example of one of  Facts about Education in Indonesia.

12. Just Simply By Apologizing

Tackling this case should not be enough with a word of apology, it will repeat the same case. If the law does not act decisively, it is difficult to eradicate this one case.

13. Bullying Cases Rarely Reported

Victims of bullying usually rarely report on the events they experienced. This is because the victim is scared and traumatized. It should be the slightest harassment of violence that occurs will be better followed up through legal channels

14. The Bullying Case Starts with Ridicule

Many of these cases occur only because of taunts, insults, and insults. It is happening either directly or through social media. Of course, this is a problem if not handled seriously.

15. Bullying triggers due to Emotions and Anger

Emotions that arise at the age of the child are very vulnerable, one of them is usually physical violence. This happens because of the volatile emotions of the perpetrator and the excessive anger.

16. Social Gaps

The social disparity in society becomes a factor in the case of bullying, between the rich and the poor. Many cases occur only because the child is poor and does not live excessively. Read more about Basic Greeting in Indonesia

17. Dangerous effect for victim in psychology term

Besides physical, bullying also occurs psychologically. The victim who is experiencing this most danger because bullying this form directly attack the mental or psychological victim, not caught the eye or hearing, such as looking cynical, terrorizing messages or SMS, shame, and sneer.

18. The existence of Intimidation

Open intimidation which includes physical bullying and verbally, for example with harsh, threatening and mocking words,  pushing it down, pushing it roughly, threatening and mocking it in order to harm.

19. Indirect Intimidation

indirect intimidation which involves relational aggression, in which the offender intends to destroy the relationships that the victim has with others, including exile, spreading gossip and asking for praise for certain acts of friendship competence. Read more about How to Live Cheap in Indonesia

20. Intimidation of the Maya World

Cyberbullying or cyberbullying intimidation involves the use of e-mail, telephone or pager, SMS, personal websites, or social media to destroy a person’s reputation.

21. Political and Economic Influences

Both of these factors can be the cause of bullying. Corruption and social imbalances trigger bullying cases. Big cases such as corruption are still low in punishment, let alone bullying cases.

22. Divorced Families Can Cause Bullying

Some research results indicate that parental attitudes are too excessive in protecting their children, making them vulnerable to bullying. Parenting patterns are messy, the occurrence of parental divorce, unstable parents feelings, and thoughts, parents who berate each other, insulting, fighting in front of his children, hostile and never getting along, triggering depression and stress for the child.

A teenager who grows in a family that implements a negative pattern of communication such as sarcasm will tend to imitate the habit in their daily lives.

23. Wrong Culture

Criminal factors of culture are one of the causes of bullying behavior. The political atmosphere is chaotic, an uncertain economy, prejudice and discrimination, conflict in society, and ethnocentrism, this can encourage children and adolescents to become depressed, stressed, arrogant and rough.

24. The wrong association

Each group (Genk) who have problems at school will have an adverse effect on other friends such as behaving and saying abusive to teachers or fellow friends and ditching. Children when interacting in school and with friends around the house, sometimes when encouraged to do the bullying. Some children do bullying just to prove to their peers to be accepted into the group, even if they are not comfortable doing so. Read more about Most Spoken Language in Indonesia

25.  Adverse Effects of Media

One quote from a survey by Kompas shows that 56.9% of children imitate the scenes of the movie they watch, generally they mimic the movement (64%) and the words (43%). This can create violent and violent child behavior which further triggers bullying by children against their friends at school.

Very important role of parents and family as a bastion in dealing with it. Communication and assertiveness are necessary, clear laws are also supervised by stakeholders at home, at school and elsewhere. It is expected that a firm and responsible law enforcement, so that cases of bullying can be muted and eliminated from teenage habits.

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