Socio Cultural

10 Useful Tips How to Dress in Yogyakarta

In addition to Bali, there are 10 tourist destinations that are relied upon to invite foreign tourists on vacation. The destinations are Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Solo, Semarang and others. So far the area of Yogyakarta also occupies the second position after Bali. This is because Yogyakarta is a special city with Javanese customs and culture. Besides famous for its rich customs and culture, Yogyakarta is also famous for its super tasty and cheap cuisine. Even so, before the roads to Yogya you have to pay attention to some of the values that you must apply there. One of them is how to dress in Yogyakarta.

  1. Don’t wear the very open clothes

Try not to wear clothes too tight and open when walking. The weather in Indonesia is a bit hot, but that does not mean you can wear clothes with low cleavage or too short pants when out. Use comfortable shirts and minimal knee-length pants. If your outfit is too open, you will be considered disrespectful. Remember that the majority of the population in Indonesia is Muslim. Islam is very high value and norms of politeness and impoliteness, especially in terms of dressing.

  1. Naked while swimming is prohibited

It is well known that Indonesia has many beautiful beaches. Not only Bali, in Yogyakarta there are also dozens of pristine beaches that you can visit. Swimming activity on the beach is sometimes interesting to do. However, when you do not bring a swimsuit, don’t try to be naked while swimming or playing on the beach. It is also related to the value of modesty in Indonesia that you must obey. Moreover, not all beaches in Yogyakarta allow visitors to swim.

Read also: Rules of Swimming in Indonesian Beach

  1. Use the polite swimming suits while sunbathing

Not infrequently, while on the beach you will also be tempted to sunbathe. When sunbathing, be sure to keep covering parts of the body that should be closed. Do not let your body open just like that, because the Indonesian people are not too familiar with this. You can outsmart it with a beach cloth or a thin blanket to cover some of your body. Do not forget the sunblock, glasses, and sunglasses because the sun in Yogyakarta is some degree higher than in Bali.

  1. Wearing Batik in a formal event is recommended

When attending a formal event, do not use a tight and open mini dress that shows your curves. Wear a polite dress. For men, you can try to use Batik that you can buy at the mall in Yogya or Malioboro. Some events such as baby birth, recitals, or even weddings sometimes have to require you to dress super politely. Especially at the thanksgiving event, maybe some Indonesian women will be seen using hijab (for Muslims) because later they have to recite the Qur’an. For that, you should avoid wearing a tight and your lovely super sexy dress.

Read also:

  1. For the students, avoid using hot pants

Yogyakarta is famous for education city in Indonesia. This is because there are so many universities in Yogyakarta. Some of them even have the best quality in Indonesia. Not infrequently, some of you may be interested to study abroad in Indonesia, precisely in Yogyakarta. Watch for clothes in college, avoid wearing hot pants and tight T-shirts. You can find safe by wearing long jeans and shirts. Indeed, the matter of uniform and dressed on campus in Yogyakarta is the policy of each campus. Some students in Indonesia may even have some who are dressed tight, but for the sake of security, do not imitate them.

  1. Walking around

Yogyakarta has the most adorable city walk in Indonesia. You can go anywhere safely during the day. You can walk along Malioboro streets for ranks of a 2-foot-long peddler. It is going to be very and humid, so, you can go with some dresses (no shorter than mid thigh), and shorts (no shorter than mid thigh) with thicker strap singlets might be ok for wandering the city, the hotel and for dinner. However, be aware that you will need to wear longer pants for visiting the temples. The officer of the temples Borobudur and Prambanan even will give you the long Batik cloth to cover your legs.

Read also:

  1. Not covering your head with perfect veil will be tolerated

For Muslims who want to visit Indonesia, you should know that it is not all Muslim women in Indonesia wear hijab or long and large hijab. Islam is indeed the most widely held religion in Indonesia. However, many Muslim women in Indonesia still do not wear the hijab. Many Muslim women in Indonesia who still wear long jeans and long shirts, but they still wear a short veil. You don’t need to worry if you visit this city since the rue of hijab is not as Aceh or Arab.

  1. Attending ceremony

While attending a ceremony, both national ceremonies and kinship in Indonesia, never wear open dress, jeans, or T-shirts. Try wearing formal closed dress and formal shoes. For men, you can wear a black suit or ash suit to find it safe. However, wearing Batik shirts or formal shirts and cloth made from non-jeans is still allowed. Be sure to comb your hair neatly and do not use strange hairstyle. Attending ceremony is a formal event, you should notice how you dress and outfitting.

Read also:

  1. Visiting Keraton

When in Yogya, you must visit the Sultanate Palace of Yogyakarta. Place with the official name of Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat was officially opened to the public on October 1, 1969 by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. The goal is for people to see the culture and tradition of the palace. Keep in mind for men who want to enter the palace, should not wear t-shirts. You’re required to wear shoes and long pants. For those who wear sandals recommended to be removed so barefoot alias foot, for short pants will be borrowed a cloth wrapped from the waist to the legs resemble when wearing a jarik.

  1. Dress code for Visiting Temples in Yogyakarta

The proper dress is required when you visit temples to show your respect on those sacred places. Some of Temples in Jogja are used for praying, like Borobudur temple that used for Buddhiest praying. It is even important to dress up properly before entering Sultan Palace as this place is still in use by the Sultan (king) and Royal Family. Make sure to wear the pants that longer than your knee. Shorts, mini-skirt, and short skirts are not allowed in the temples. However, if you dressed inappropriately, you will be borrowed Batik to be your skirt for free. In some case be careful of getting sexual harassment from other people. So you need to dress well.

Those are the ten tips how to dress in Yogyakarta. Visiting Yogyakarta could be the best experience ever. However, don’t let it be ruined because you don’t notice what proper dress you need to wear. Make sure to keep your habit and behavior and learn Norms in Yogyakarta properly since Yogyakarta is the city with full of good custom and cultures.

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