
10 Indonesian Most Notorious Criminals

As a developmental country, Indonesia facing poverty from time to time, which seems so difficult to solve. That makes the crime rate in Indonesia becomes higher from time to time. Most of the Indonesian criminals are not only rob the victim but also kill and torture them innocently.

Some of the Indonesian criminals admitted that they did their crime on purpose. Whether for money, power, or even some strange reasons such as shamanism, the culprit will do whatever it takes to do their crime.

This time, we will give you some glances about Indonesian most notorious criminals that you should know. They succeed to shock Indonesian citizens to be someone that you should avoid. Now, check them out below!

  • Genocide in 1965 – 1966

Between 1965 – 1966, Indonesia has a dark period with so many people killed by unknown people. People believe they are come to kill every communist community that is well known as PKI.

They killed them brutally, with more than one million people killed. These crimes make Indonesian citizens worried, scared, and terrified as facing the most endangered animals in Indonesia.

  • Johny Indo

Johny Indo becomes one of the most notorious criminals in Indonesia with his robbery case in 70 eras. He robbed some rich people and steal their Gold from 1970 until 1980. He robbed more than 129 kilograms of Gold and claim to share the Gold with needy people.

Even though so, Indonesian police arrested Johny Indo because robbing is a crime that people shouldn’t do. He been jailed in Nusakambangan prison and tried to run away from there. But, after a couple of days, the police succeeded to arrest him and he got about 14 years punishment in jail.

  • Kusni Kadut

Kusni Kadut becomes one of the most notorious criminals in Indonesia with his robbery case. He was known often robbed some of the diamonds from rich people in about 80 eras. He robbed so many diamonds and shared them with needy people in a bad way.

That is why the police decide to arrested Kusni Kadut in jail because of his crime. He recorded dead by the police’s gun after trying to run away from the prison.

  • Robot Gedek

Robot Gedek becomes one of the most notorious criminals in Indonesia until now. His real name is Siswanto but people commonly know his as Robot Gedek. He was arrested in 1996 for killing and robbing people.

Robot Gedek’s crime was recorded with about 12 people killed by him at that time. That makes Indonesian scared with his torture crime.

  • The murder of Marsinah

Marsinah is one of the Sidoarjo Factory Worker that found dead in the middle of the forest in 1993. In that year, there was the biggest demonstration of the factory worker.

She is not one of the Indonesian most well-known models or one of the government people but killed. She presumed to become one of the demonstrations that absent from her duty so that people torture her until death.

Unfortunately, until now the culprit still unknown and the police have no idea about the culprit. That makes this crime becomes one of the most notorious criminals in Indonesia.

  • The Murder of Munir

Munir is one of the human right activists that presumed to be killed by unknown torture. He presumed to be poisoned by an unknown murderer that until now we have no idea who they are or he/she is.

Munir reported that he tried to help to solve the Marsinah case. Even though he hit the dead end, but people assumed that he may be killed because of his involvement in solving Marsinah’s case.

  • Ahmad Suradji

Ahmad Suradji is one of the most notorious criminals in Indonesia that succeed to make people worry about his existence. He was so popular with his crime even though he is not one of the Indonesian most well-known female singers.

He tortured and killed his victims for his strange shamanism reasons such as the Indonesian rain shaman. He believed if he killed so many women he will become stronger or so.

Ahmad Suradji or people commonly know them as the AS shaman recorded had been killed about 70 people from 1986 – 1997. Most of them are women with about 42 women. In 2008, the government decide to execute him and his wife jailed for life.

  • Baekuni

Baekuni becomes one of the most notorious criminals in Indonesia because of his criminal assault. He admitted that he likes to having sex with a guy whether they are men or children. The scary thing about him is he will kill the victim after he did the sexual assault on them.

The creepiest thing about Baekuni is he will forcedly rape his victims whether they are alive or dead. He admitted were committed his crime in 1993, and finally, in 2010 the court decided to jail him for life.

  • Ryan Jombang

Ryan Jombang becomes one of the most notorious criminals in Indonesia because of his mutilation crime. He becomes so popular in the last decade such as the Jember fashion carnival in East Java. He admitted his crime to the judge in court for his gay pleasure, then killed the victim by mutilation their body.

Ryan Jombang recorded has been killed about 11 men that he admitted as his gay couple. In April 2019, the court decide to execute him for his brutal and torture crimes.

  • Indonesian Corruptor

Indonesian corruptor becomes one of the most notorious criminals in Indonesia with their robbery case. They robbed the money from the country but never admitted even though there are so many pieces of evidence. Their torture act becomes Indonesian suffer in so many ways, but still, they did the corruption without mercy and guilty.

So, there are some glances of the Indonesian most notorious criminals in Indonesia that you should know. All of the cases have a different story with so many purposes that makes us scared enough.

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