Food and Beverage

10 Local Dishes of Gorontalo You Should Try

Most dishes in Gorontalo are hot and zesty. The philosophy of genuineness appears through hot dishes that have no sugar blend and foods without manufactured flavoring.

We distinguished 15 sorts of staple nourishments with 11 of them without rice as fundamental fixings. Instead, they use sago, maize, and cassava. 

There are additionally 15 side dishes menu with essential fixings from the water bodies such as fish and shrimp. Generally, there are ten sorts of vegetable dishes with local or vegetable-based fixings that are regular in Indonesia such as eggplant, watercress, and fern. 

There are 35 sorts of bites that customarily are not made of wheat but of maize, cassava, bananas, yams, and rice flour. In this article, however, we will only cover a few local dishes of Gorontalo. 

So, prepare yourself and let us jump right in. 

  1. Tuna Satay

Gorontalo has its own uncommon culinary satay, in particular ‘Sate Tuna’. In contrast to the typical seafood restaurants, which just serve fish singed or consumed in the form intact. 

In Gorontalo, these fish are cut into dice and stabbed like a satay. Speaking of Tuna Satay, however, there are likewise other processed fish dishes, for example, sashimi fish, woku fish, tuna soup, roasted tuna breast, and so on. 

You might want to read about local foods from West Sumatra.

  1. Ilabulo 

Perhaps the individuals who were not originally born in Gorontalo will see this food as Pepes. Ilabulo indeed resembles a Pepes. 

However, it tastes totally different from Pepes. Ilabulo is a common food of Gorontalo produced using sago and chicken heart. 

In the cooking process, it utilizes coconut milk. Ordinarily, Ilabulo is presented by the individuals of Gorontalo as a lunch dish. 

Speaking of lunch, here are typical lunches in Indonesia.

  1. Tabu Moitomo 

Tabu Moitomo, a rich dark soup utilizing beef or poultry with 30 fixings, including a wide range of spices and flavors available in Gorontalo. This food is ordinarily served at weddings, family social occasions, and other special occasions. 

Preparing Tabu Moitomo, comfort nourishment for some is considered a family undertaking as it takes hours and requires numerous individuals to pound the spices and flavors and to wait until the meat gets tender. 

  1. Bilenthango 

Bilenthango is a common Gorontalo food that is obtained from processed fish. This food is produced using Mujair fish with unique flavors and uncommon ingredients. 

Preparing this food is considered very simple. You only need to fry or roast the fish.

It will have an exceptional taste and definitely shake your tongue. 

  1. Binte Biluhuta 

Binte Biluhuta is produced using corn in light of the fact that Gorontalo is celebrated for its prolific corn. Binte Biluhuta itself originates from the word Binte which means corn and Biluhuta which means watered with the goal that it very well may be deciphered as watered corn. 

Other than being produced using corn, this food likewise has a combination of fixings, specifically sticky rice, ground coconut, shrimp, and skipjack. To add the intensity of the flavor, you can include lemon juice. 

  1. Lalampa 

Lalampa is a regular Gorontalo nibble produced using glutinous rice. This food is like Lemper in Java, however, the thing that matters is that this food is prepared by burning. 

The filling is likewise unique. If the Lemper contains chicken, the Lalampa is loaded up with skipjack fish and before it is scorched, Lalampa is spread with vegetable oil first.

In this way, Lalampa has an interesting fragrance and penetrates into the Lalampa. If you like snacks, make sure you also read about popular snacks in Indonesia.

  1. Tilumiti Lo Kando 

Tilumiti Lo Kando is a dish joined by hot Dabu-Dabu, a salsa-like sauce however more delectable because of a few spoonfuls of homemade coconut oil and a bit of lime juice. Additionally, you do not need to bother with additional spices and flavors because of the fish’s freshness. 

  1. Nasi Kuning 

Nasi Kuning is presented with fish, a pleasurable clear soup, and a hard-boiled egg to oblige it. It likewise accompanies hot chili sauce. 

Nasi Kuning is a day by day breakfast in Gorontalo while in Java, it is just for exceptional occasions. 

  1. Duduli 

Duduli is produced using glutinous rice, coconut milk, palm sugar, and crushed peanuts. It is considered a customary greeting and goodbye snack in Gorontalo.

  1. Tili Aya 

Tili Aya is normally filled in as a side dish or a supplement of rice and other substantial dinners at each customary event. Tili Aya is produced using earthy colored sugar, blended in with certain eggs and coconut milk. 

The batter is then steamed until it is well-cooked. Making Tili Aya is for sure genuinely simple.

So, these are 10 local dishes of Gorontalo you will find comforting. While you are at it, check out the largest islands in Indonesia and traditional vehicles in Indonesia.

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