
10 Typical Work Hours in Indonesia

Based on the regulations of the Government through the Worker’s Act No.13 of 2003, which regulates the regulation of working hours. Regarding this matter, it is clearly stated the article number Forty-four of Law 13, Year in 2003 on Workers, particularly Article 77 until Article 85 UUK ( Labour Laws ). in the article explained about working hours, overtime hours and also shift working hours. Clearly, all rules of labor are included, hopeful every worker should have known of them. So that no longer found workers who experience working hours outside the provisions of government rules. Read more about Common Characteristics of Indonesian Workplace

So that companies, both private and government must impose working hours according to existing regulations. Different from shift and long shift working hours (rule of law no. 77 paragraph [2] UUK), where the arrangement is adjusted with related institution or company.

Therefore, it should not be arbitrary in making the rules of working hours if you do not want to be exposed to legal and criminal sanctions. With existing rules, it is expected to have firmness on working hours and remuneration for each worker because with different working hours automatically affect the salary or wages received. Is the existing working hours feasible to apply through the application processes and regulations?

In Indonesia, the application of working hours both office and in the field normally between 7  until 8 hours per day. If more than this hour must be applied overtime hours or additional hours (regulation of overtime hours of the Act (Article 78 paragraph [2] UUK). Read more about Indonesian Work Culture

However, there is a possibility that there are several hours of operation or working hours that can be applied in Indonesia, adjusting in the field of work and type of company. Here are some examples of these working hours:

1. Normal Working Hours

Normal working hours usually start from 08.00  – 17.00 WIB ( Time West Indonesia ). Applies to all workers both private and civil servants. Type of work in the field and also in the office. Sometimes working hours is done for 5 working days from Monday to Friday, so Saturday and Sunday are required to be off. Usually in developed countries apply standard working hours, although Indonesia has different working hours all of which require being based on existing legal rules. You may want to read about Cultural activities in Jakarta

2. Shift Working Hours

System hours are almost the same as normal working hours, only for workers who experience shift work should follow the shift II and 3 working hours in the next week. Usually, this working time is applied to companies that are very dense operational hours and also public service agencies, and also restaurants with hours of opening for 24 hours non-stop. Examples of companies that use the system shift:

  • Food Factory
  • Automotive Factory
  • Electronic Factory
  •  The Hospital
  • 24 Hours Restaurant
  • Hotel

3. Shift 2 Working Hours

This working hour is applied after the completion of working hours on shift I, usually starting from 15.00 – 23.00 WIB. Of course, this working hour to adjust with companies and agencies in carrying out operational activities. Do not rule out women workers also participate in the implementation of this working hour. Examples of companies using this shift system are the same as the example above. Read more about Social Activities in Jakarta You Can Do

4. Shift 3 Working Hours

For the implementation of shift 3 working hours from 23:00 to 07:00 pm, this is the same as adjusting to the rules of each company and related agencies. Shift to and after Shift 3 there is special treatment. After Shifting 3 employees get more holiday (2 days) before entering shift schedule 1. Examples of companies using this shift system the same as example number 2. Read more about Moral Values in Indonesia You Must Obey

5. Working Hours Three (3) Group Three (3) Shift

Scheduling this model shift provides a chance to rest / regular holiday. Employees work from Monday until Saturday, rest weeks. Working hours per day 7 + 1 (7 working hours, 1-hour break ), except on Saturday 5 working hours with Total working hours 40 hours a week. Working hours are flexible if needed on the last day can be made over time (automatic) for 2 hours. Examples of companies using this shift system are the same as example Number 2.

6. Non – Shift Working Hours

Non-shift working hours are almost the same as normal working hours, Non-Shift, generally reserved for departments that require internal and external coordination during the work hours of the day. Normal flexible working hours, from 08:00 to 16:00 pm. Non Shift working schedule there are 2 models, 6 working days and 5 working days. Although different hours of work a day still total work hours 40 hours a week. Read more about How to Work in Bali as Foreigner

7. Working Hours Three (3) Group Two (2) Shift or Long Shift

This shift working hour model to adapt working hours of a security officer or employee section with prior agreement between workers’ representatives and management. The arrangement of work schedule using formulation 2-2-2. That is within 1 week of work consists of 2 days shift 1, 2 days shift 2, and 2 days off.Calculations Working hours for this long shift, there are several kinds:

a).  Working hours 7 hours + 1-hour break + 4 hours over time. Calculation of hours overtime per day = 1.5 + (2 x 3) hours = 7.5 hours / day (see article overtime calculation).

b). Working hours 8 hours + 1 hour break + 3 hours overtime Calculation of overtime hours per day = 1.5 + (2×2) hours = 5.5 hours / day.

8. Working Hours Four (4) Group Three (3) Shift

The scheduling of this model is used for company activities and manufacture for 24 hours a day and is fully operational throughout the year, stopping on Idul Fitri and New Year’s holidays. The amount of production output set and engineering activities that demand this activity continues. Employees are divided into 4 groups, Working for 5 working days with working hours 7 + 1.

Shifts change from 3 to 1, employees get 2 days off. This model causes employee Holidays to be uncertain. Two days before the holiday before shifting 3, the actual holiday is 1 day. One more day is midday, but the employee must start at night ( 11.00 pm ). Read more about Most Popular Holiday in Indonesia

9. Working Hours for 12 Hours

Many Companies and Institutions impose more than 8 hours of working hours, this is because of the demands of work that cannot be replaced with other working hours. Sometimes these working hours are called long shifts, but many work agreements also require working hours to be 12 hours. An example of this work is done by security or security officers at the Company or agency. As for the holidays adjust to the regulations applicable to the company and related agencies, can only 1 day off or can also get 2 days off.

10. Double Shift Working Hours

Many companies that employ employees with double shift system, which is a double shift that after finished working on the shift I work hours will be directly on the shift 2. Can imagine how tired and tired work with this kind of working hours. Of course, payments received must be proportional to the energy and hours spent. Government regulation for this is not there, it’s just not a few companies and agencies that still use these hours of work, with the target of chasing the target or so forth.

It would be nice if the hours of work arranged with the pattern of 8 hours a day, it’s just not all companies and agencies are able to adjust it. Especially if in a lot of effort to provide services to the public, automatic working hours must be added even up to 24 hours non-stop.

Businesses engaged in services such as hospitals, hospitality, 24-hour restaurant, gas station (filling station), transportation services, port services and, much more. Expected by working hours in accordance with the regulations to facilitate employees to work optimally, without feeling burdened with health problems and ride safety. Read more about Business Etiquette in Indonesia

This certainly has good and bad things, while wages or salaries received in accordance with the targets and rules of the Government, can still be said to be normal. If it is not in accordance with the regulations it should be followed up through union forums or SPMI and other’s worker institutions. Hopefully, this discussion can add to your insight, and provide an overview of working hours applicable in Indonesia, perhaps useful.

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