Food and Beverage

17 Amazing Facts About Indonesian Cuisine

Indonesian cuisine does have its own distinctive taste and taste, for the Indonesian people the cuisine is a reflection of an indigenous culture that so much variety.

From Aceh to Papua have different tastes and spices, food and beverages also have different diversity. And each region has its own unique cuisine. Hence sample of fascinating facts about Indonesia literatures.

Examples of Padang cuisine is very famous and phenomenal namely rendang, become one of the typical cuisines that has a delicious taste, savory and spicy. Never mind Indonesian people even foreigners too much to love the original cuisine of Indonesia.

The development of Indonesian cuisine there are also some who take from foreign culture since the colonial era, but the cuisine is modified and still has a distinctive taste of Indonesia.  Following amazing facts about Indonesia rainforest.

Here are some facts about Indonesia cuisine you need to know:

1. Indonesian Cuisine Has Typical and Unique Taste

Different Indonesian cuisines – different in each region makes the taste is different. Examples of Javanese cuisine is different from the cuisine of Sumatra, where most of the typical Javanese cuisine taste sweeter. While Sumatra is more tasty, salty and spicy.

Besides spices and herbs are combined into the cuisine also has a different principle. But for most Indonesian people who like culinary will feel delicious and delicious.

The choice of spices, spices and hereditary recipes make Indonesian cuisine distinctive and characteristic. All about unique facts about Sumatra Island.

2. Each Region Has Different Typical Cuisine

If you are visiting Bali, you will experience delicious and delicious Balinese cuisine. Unlike when you are on holiday in Papua, you will find different dishes with different spices, herbs, and ingredients.

Each region in Indonesia does have a variety of cuisine that varies, ranging from spicy, sweet, sour sweet, savory and much more.

Not to mention the cakes and processed bread and other foods that are of course very much manifold. Certainly, many Indonesian dishes if collected from each region.

And usually the government often hold a culinary tourism center in every region in Indonesia, and you may try one by one. The best interesting facts of Jakarta City, Indonesia.

3. Indonesian Cuisine Many Variety

Not only refined cookery is famous in Indonesia, there are some delicious and delicious traditional cakes and snacks. Call it the risoles cake, bakwan corn, sponge layer, bika Ambon and many more. Surely each region has a distinctive cake and different snacks.

There are sweet, savory, salty, spicy and unique. Because of the many of course, you will be confused to choose which one, if you are on vacation to Yogyakarta will find bakpia cakes, spring rolls, tap, tiwul and others.

If a vacation to Sumatra will find bika Ambon, mpek – mpek, Aceh noodles, and many more variations. What is certain is a unique snacks and cakes unique Indonesian region and attract your eyes and stomach. Interesting facts about customs in Bali Indonesia.

4. Various Types of Healthy and Delicious Drinks

In addition to food, cakes, and snacks, facts about Indonesia cuisine is different drinks. There are several types of drinks, good health drinks, fresh drinks and others that can be found in Indonesia.

Drinks such as bajigur, ice candles, coconut ice, ice dawet, sekoteng, and many others. It’s all made with special herbs, ingredients, and recipes, so the flavors and shapes are different and tasty to serve while relaxing and hanging out.

Again and again, each region has a special drink that is distinctive and interesting to try. The following interesting facts about Sumatra tiger.

5. Famous Indonesian Cuisine Rich Spices

Every Indonesian dish, good cake, cooking, drink and so on is rich in spices and certain ingredients. So that the taste is different from each other because Indonesia is famous for spices and materials that are easily obtained.

Examples of preparations to make rendang and sate Padang has special herbs and spices, and not necessarily you who learn it can make as good as the cuisine of the original person, the people of Padang. So the rich and abundant spices one makes Indonesian cuisine famous and tasty to try.

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6. Famous Spicy Indonesian Cuisine

For some foreigners who first visited Indonesia, tasting Indonesian cuisine is very strange and all tastes spicy. Moreover, other countries that use very little chili spice in cooking, it is somewhat different tongue Indonesian.

Proverbial if not spicy cuisine will feel bland. Therefore, Some of Indonesian people love the taste of spicy cuisine, especially sometimes people eat raw chili or as fresh vegetables every day. Interesting facts about Sumatran Rhinoceros.

7. In Indonesia, There are many Warteg and Warung Padang

If you are traveling in Indonesia, certainly in every area found in many warteg and Padang restaurants. It has become a tradition and example of business in Indonesia about cuisine.

Examples of warteg generally provide typical Javanese cuisine and surroundings, while Padang restaurant provides all kinds of Padang cuisine that is famous for spices, processed coconut milk, and a spicy flavor.

Therefore, wherever you go will definitely find these two restaurants, so no need to be confused to find food. Because the cuisine provided is indeed a traditional cuisine of the majority of Indonesian society. Fascinating and taste of facts about Sumatran coffee.

8. Indonesian Culture, If Eat There Should Always Rice

Rice is the staple food of Indonesian society. So if you eat and no rice tastes incomplete. The culture of eating rice has been around since ancient times, and only a few people do not like rice.

Therefore, the majority of agricultural products in Indonesia are mostly produced by rice, as a staple food of Indonesians. So for other than rice a bit difficult, and yet can be replaced with other preparations.

9. Famous Rendang Cuisine in Indonesia

Rendang is a favorite and a choice of many people in Indonesia, one of the menu and also as a dish in a big holiday in Indonesia.

The cuisine is rich in herbs, spices, ingredients, and making a little complicated to make rendang a dish that should be a problem locally and also internationally.

Many processed rendang combined with various other dishes, of course, the taste does not disappear. The following facts about Javanese culture that you should know.

10. Indonesian Cuisine Not Far From Sambal

Because the majority of Indonesian people are big fans of chili sauce, it can not be if every dish that will be eaten not accompanied by sambal.

Habits and traditions from the past, sambal is something that should be presented in any event. So if you eat incomplete taste if there is no sauce.

No wonder if you go anywhere – many people who ask for sauce. Interesting facts about culture and art in West Sumatra.


In addition to the above explanation, the following facts about Indonesia cuisine:

  • Indonesian people love to eat fresh vegetables, whether raw or already processed like boiled, or steamed, and added sauce.
  • Meatballs, satay, chicken noodles into food and cuisine of the people of Indonesia generally.
  • Nasi goreng is a local cuisine which is a fact of the world, many people love fried rice dishes. Incredible facts about rice in Indonesia.
  • Indonesia is also famous for its soybean tempe. Many tempe enthusiasts who are abroad who have to export tempeh as a favorite food.
  • Many Indonesian people love culinary tourism, so nowadays many new dishes with unique and delicious modifications.
  • Some Indonesian food is recycled from foreign cultural cuisines such as Chinese, Indian, Arabic, Dutch and others. To create new and delicious food creations. Fascinating and interesting facts about Raja Ampat Indonesia.
  • Every authentic Indonesian cuisine must have Halal certification from Majelis Ulama Indonesia, this is in accordance with the rules of Muslim religion prevailing in Indonesia.

This the explanation of the facts about Indonesia cuisine may be an additional knowledge to know and enjoy the variety of cuisine native to Indonesia.

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