Food and Beverage

12 Outstanding Facts of Indonesian Rice

Rice is like a “life” for the people of Indonesia. The society of Indonesia most often can not eat without this kind of food. It seems if you are Indonesians then have not eaten rice, you will say you haven’t eaten.

The reason why rice becomes the staple food is because Indonesia is an agrarian country where rice farmers are more than wheat farmers. That is why the Indonesian people eat rice a lot instead of bread. To see more facts of Indonesian rice, you can be free following this page.

  1. Indonesia is the third largest rice producer of the world

Indonesia is the third largest rice producer in the world with total production up to 75.6 million tons. However, to meet domestic demand, Indonesia also has to import rice from other countries as much as 1 million tons. In 2014, the largest Rice Producing Countries in the world is the People’s Republic of China that produces up to 206.5 million tons of rice or about 27.8% of total worldwide production.

  1. Indonesia does rice import every year

Although Indonesia is the third largest country producing the most rice in the world, Indonesia still needs to import rice almost every year (although it is usually only to keep rice stock levels). This situation is caused by farmers using unproductive agricultural techniques coupled with large per capita consumption of rice (by large populations).

  1. The rice fields are concentrated in Java Island

Rice fields are more commonly found in areas of western Indonesia, especially Java Island. Almost 60% of the total rice production comes from the island that also has the largest population in Indonesia. Among all provinces, East Java is the region that has the largest rice field, which is 2.29 million hectares or about 15% of the total area of rice in Indonesia.

  1. The staple food for most of Indonesians

Rice is the staple food of most Indonesians. Therefore almost everyone in Indonesia like to eat rice. In fact there are some people who say that “have not eaten if you have not eaten rice.” That means rice is a mandatory meal for most people in Indonesia. Rice is also one of the most important staple foods in the world.

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  1. Indonesia is the first world’s rice consumer

Indonesia is the world’s No. 1 largest consumer of rice. This is because our culture is indeed a lot of eating rice (three times a day) and also affected by the population. In 2010, rice consumption in Indonesia has reached 130 kg / capita / year.

  1. Hybrid rice is the most popular in Indonesia

Hybrid rice is often referred to as rice varieties for once planting. The yield of hybrid rice is usually maximal. However, if the Hybrid Rice varieties are replanted, the results will be much lower than before. This type of rice is very different from Rice Unggul. Superior rice can be planted many times. If treated well, the results will be very satisfactory.

  1. White rice is most consumed

White rice is the most widely cultivated rice in Indonesia. People also consume more white rice. White rice turned out to have many variants, ladies. Variants of white rice can be seen based on the size of the grain. Different grains have different glycemic index levels. Rice with a long grain usually has a lower glycemic index, while rice with a long grain is softer and pulse.

  1. The high cost for rice production

Indonesia’s rice production costs are more expensive than some other Asian rice producers. Indonesia’s rice production costs reached Rp 4,079 per kilogram (kg). Meanwhile in China the cost is only Rp 3.661 per kg, Philippines Rp 3,224 per kg, Thailand Rp 2,291 per kg, even in Vietnam is only Rp 1699 per kg.

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  1. The different diets of Indonesian

The Indonesian diet compared to other countries in ASEAN is different. This is what makes Indonesian rice consumption so high that rising rice prices become a sensitive issue. Therefore, the government wants people to change their consumption patterns, but the government does not ask people not to consume more rice.

  1. The size of rice in Indonesia are various

There are three types of white rice that is short, medium, and long. Longer rice bushes are usually popular in Asian cuisine. Medium rice grains are commonly used in dishes that require more cream consistency such as risotto, paella, and Khidir. While the shorter and fatter rice has less starch in it so that when the rice texture will be sticky. Usually this type of rice is used in dishes such as sushi.

  1. Total national rice consumption is 3 million tons per month

For Indonesian people to eat bread, burger, pizza, or chicken as much as anything will not make full. So do not be surprised if you see people eating noodles with rice, or eating meatball with rice. Because if eating without using rice that means just snacking. Indonesian Population Total national rice consumption is 3 million tons per month. Indonesia has so far imported 1.33 million tons of rice from Vietnam and Thailand.

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  1. Rice per capita consumption in Indonesia is 98 kilograms per year

The National Socio-Economic Survey by Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) 2015 states that per capita consumption per March 2015 is 98 kilograms per year. This number increased compared to the previous year which is only 97.2 kg per year. This per capita consumption is assessed based on a variety of dishes containing rice including rice consumption in the form of rice, glutinous rice, rice flour, and other grain consumption.

Those are the facts of Indonesian rice. If you are foreigners and stay in Indonesia, you will find rice everywhere. You can say that rice is the main foods for Indonesians. Perhaps for most of the people of Indonesia, eating the rice is mandatory. Since childhood the society has been in the doctrine to eat rice every day. So it is very difficult not to eat rice. Moreover, the mindset that has been attached to the people of Indonesia that rice is their main food.

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