Socio Cultural

20 Strange Customs In Indonesia

Beside to having a diverse culture, Indonesia is also famous for its unique customs of Indonesia and interesting to learn. Some of the Indonesian customs that make the icon of the famous Ngaben ceremony of the island of Bali. The custom is still very thick and sacred for the people of Indonesia, customs that have been upheld since the time of the ancestors to this day.

There are many more unique customs to be studied, with the various provinces and tribes that exist to make Indonesian customs diverse and varied types. Each custom has a distinctive characteristic, the more different the more it makes the legend is a legend.

For more details what are the customs in Indonesia are quite fascinating, we refer to the following exposure:

1. Ngaben Ceremony, Bali

Ngaben ceremony is one of the funeral ceremony of Balinese bodies by burning or cremation. This ceremony is also a symbol of the delivery of the corpse in the life of the future. In this ceremony is not allowed to tear because the body will experience reincarnation and find the final resting place in Moksha. Read more about celebrations in Bali Indonesia

2. Trunyan Ceremony, Bali

Why is it said Trunyan funeral, this is because the funeral of the corpse is unique and only exist in the Village named Trunyan, Bali. The funeral ceremony was performed not like a funeral, the corpse is only buried by way of being placed on the ground.

Then, strangely the corpse did not leave the stench, and the location of the cemetery was close to the tree Taru Menyan which means fragrant tree or fragrant tree. The bodies buried in Trunyan had previously arranged terms and conditions before the corpses were placed in the cemetery.

3. The Mummification, Asmat Tribe

The customs of the Asmat tribe culture are unique, the dead bodies, especially the corpses of important people in the tribe, such as the body of a tribal chief or customary chief. How to Mumifikasi is by way of embalming by smearing the body with natural ingredients that are then placed on top of the fireplace. The goal is for the corpse exposed to smoke and over time will be blackened, usually the position of the corpse in a sitting state.

Uniquely the corpse will be shown at the time of a visitor displayed in front of Joglo Asmat tribe. The process of mummification is identical to the process of cutting the hand finger on the family member left behind, is not it unique ? Read more about Unique Celebrations in Indonesia

4. The Debus, Banten

famous debus in Banten is one of the original martial arts of Indonesia, typical artistic cirri can show human capabilities such as immune to sharp weapons, immune to hard water, can eat glass and so forth. However behind it all, it turns out the art of this debus has a certain fact that is: not to be done by arbitrary people, the existence of the mystic in it, has a mission to spread Islam, debus became one of the important events in every opening event held in Banten. You may want to read about Culture of Sundanese

5. The Ikipalin, Papua

Ikipalin is a custom, which is a tradition in Papua, it is related to the tradition of Mummification of the corpse. Where the tradition of cutting a finger joint as a sign of mourning an abandoned family member. In addition to these rituals, tribal customs in Papua also smear the body with mud for a way of expressing sadness. Read more about Fascinating Facts about Papua Indonesia

6. The Kebo-Keboan, Banyuwangi

One unique tradition is also owned by the Osing tribe community in Banyuwangi, this tradition aims as an expression of gratitude for the abundant harvest and as well as clean village ceremony for the community to be given safely. Usually, this tradition is done during the month of Muharam or Suro in the Javanese calendar, which falls on every 1st  to 10th suro, and this is called Kebo keboan.

The meaning of Kebo keboan itself is buffalo co-invented, where buffalo becomes a symbol as a partner of the farmer in paddy field and also a source of income for a society of Banyuwangi. This ritual is also thickly mystical and very sacred.

7. The Karapan Sapi, Madura

Karapan or racecourse is one of the special activities in Madura, this tradition has been around since ancient times. The Madurese customs in doing this as a symbol of the feast of the festival and the tradition of prestige. This tradition requires a lot of money. The cow’s calf is done from August to September, where a jockey and two cows are forced to run as fast as the finish line.

8. The Kasada, Bromo

Kasada is an annual ceremony held by the people of Tengger, Bromo. The ceremony is performed every December and January, Kosodo or Kasada is a ceremony performed as an expression of gratitude for the abundant harvest to God Almighty. In addition to the ceremony is also held in the form of a dish of natural crops with the aim of obtaining the salvation of the world and the hereafter.

9. The Tatoo,  Dayak Tribe

Dayak tribe is famous for manic art. In addition to this handicraft, Dayak tribe is also famous for its unique and interesting Tattoos. Every village has a different tattoo, usually this tattoo called “Tutang”. Tattoos for the Dayak tribe is a very sacred thing, and of course still has a relationship with culture in Kalimantan, Indonesia. The habit of tattooing is done with certain rules, where each tattoo has a different color from the black color that can turn into a golden color that symbolizes as a lantern toward immortality.

10. The Tor – tor Dancing, Batak

Tor tor is a tradition of dance art that comes from the land of Batak, North Sumatra. This dance is performed by some dancers as a party ceremony both like and sorrow. Tor Tor dancing is also a symbol of ritual ceremonial dance performed by several statues made of stone, where the statue can dance and have been entered by the spirit first. As a unique art tradition, this dance symbolizes Batak tribe in Indonesia and will continue to be maintained until the next generation. Read more about Famous Folk Dance in Indonesia

11. Ceremony of Sedekah Bumi, West Java

This one ceremony is a charity ceremony of the earth, which means the ceremony is held as a symbol of Thanksgiving to God for the abundant earth favors. This tradition has been done for generations in the city of Cirebon, this is typical of the customs of the people there and conducted in October. The ceremony is marked with Srakalan, the recitation of a hymn to the Arakan event followed by the people of Cirebon. Given this event is very sacred and contains many high spiritual elements.

12. Ceremony Sekaten, Central Java

Sekaten ceremony conducted by the people of Central Java, especially in Yogyakarta and Solo has a goal as a sign of the historic ceremony of the spread of Islam. Sekaten itself is taken from the Arabic Syahadat which means two sentences shahada. The ceremony is usually held with a very lively party from the presentation of products to the party of the people. A ceremony is also a joint event of various religious included Importance of Religion in Indonesia, cultural and economic events.

13. The Larung Sesaji, Central Java

The Ceremony of Sajung Sesaji held at Mount Kelud, is a ceremony as a sign of Thanksgiving for the favors of God. The event is usually marked by the making of rice cone and various crops which will be in the wine until the destination is the slope of Mount Kelud. This ceremony is very sacred and is a tradition of the people around to ask for safety and be shunned by all dangers and calamities.

14. The MapasilagaTedong, Tana Toraja

Mapasilaga Tedong is a traditional funeral ceremony in Tana Toraja, where the bull as a medium to be pitted before the customary event begins. The ceremony was performed with a festive, and accompanied by the team bearers Gong, and banners – banners. Uniquely the music played in this ceremony comes from the sound of dimples played by women, also Indonesia has  Unique Styles of Music in Indonesia. Type of buffalo that is used also not careless, must be buffalo with buffalo species Bule or Albino, buffalo mud, buffalo salepo and buffalo lontong boke. In addition to buffalo that pitted, there is a ceremony called cutting procession buffalo-style Toraja that is by cutting the head buffalo using a machete.

15. The Pasola, East Nusa Tenggara

Pasola is a two-group war tradition, where horsemen throw arrows at each other on the savanna, this tradition is usually organized by the people of Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara. Pasolo comes from the word “Sola and Hola”, which means wooden spears or javelin. The ceremony is performed on certain conditions according to the village elders’ calculations. This tradition is also a symbol to give thanks for the abundance of the favors of the earth produced by God.

16. The Dugdera, Semarang

Dugdure conducted by the people of Semarang aims to welcome the coming of Ramadan. Usually, this tradition is also accompanied by parties and carnival party parties by the surrounding community. The event is synonymous with the Warak Ngendong event, which presents many  Traditional Indonesian games for children as well as adults. The uniqueness of this ceremony is the presence of the kencana train that is exhibited and paraded following the direction of the driver.

Another uniqueness is by serving the bread Ganjel Rail and water Khatamah Alquran accompanied by the sound of a drum.  Usually accompanied by gamelan music, following Fascinating Facts about Gamelan music of Indonesia.

17. The Tabuik, Minangkabau

Tabuik ceremony is a tradition of Minang or Pariaman, where the early way is done at the time of the death of the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Husein bin Ali, known as the Karbala war.

Tabuik itself is an Arabic word meaning wooden chest, which refers to the legend of the appearance of a tangible creature with a winged horse and has a human head called Buraq. Tabuik itself has two kinds of Tabuik Pasa and Tabuik Subarang. Tabuik ceremony is performed in a place called Gandoriah Beach.

18. The Makepung, Bali

Makepung or also called buffalo race, this race uses cattle and humans as a medium, the location is held in the region of Buleleng and known by the name of Gerumbungan cattle, while in Madura named Karapan Sapi. Because of the popularity of this attraction in Jembrana, therefore, the Regency is also known as Bumi Makepung. Makepung itself in Balinese means to pursue, this animal is also decorated to look full of charm and selected a special type of buffalo that fits as a fighter.

19. The Rambu Solo, Tana Toraja

One of Toraja’s unique culture is a funeral ceremony called Rambu Solo. Tana Toraja Death Rituals called Rabu Solo. The Rambu Solo is a funeral procession of the Tana Toraja community, the community believes that after death there is still a ‘world’ where the ‘World’ is a place of immortality for the spirits of the ancestors and ancestors. And also a resting place, Toraja people call it Puya. In this place, the dead soul will transform into a ghost (Bombo), a god-level spirits (To Mebali Puang), or a protective ghost (Deata). Indonesia has Religious Beliefs in Indonesia

20. Tiwah Ceremony, Dayak Tribe

The Dayak Tiwah ritual in Central Kalimantan is a tradition to honor the dead and help them to heaven. This tradition has existed since the time of the ancestors and is still preserved to this day. This ritual is a religious ceremony of Dayak tribe by way of delivering the dead body bone to a place devoted to the dead. The place is called Sandung which looks like a small house.

Many Indonesian cultures were born from different tribes and customs, they have their own unique characteristics and uniqueness. Proud to be a nation of Indonesia, rich in tribes, cultures, languages, and traditions that are still upheld to date. Let’s preserve national culture as a worldwide culture.

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