Food and Beverage

15 Delicious Things to Eat in Bali

Bali is a heaven for travelers and it will be such a shame if you went to Bali without tasting Bali’s signature foods. Bali is well-known to have strong and spicy foods which will satisfy the foodies who come to Bali.

See also :

1. Ayam Betutu (Balinese grilled chicken)

Bali is ayam betutu, ayam betutu is Bali. This famous dish is rich with spices, spicy, and has savory taste. Ayam betutu main ingredient is chicken, the spices and the seasoning are inserted in its stomach. After that the chicken is wrapped in banana leaf and being grilled until 24 hours to produce an authentic taste.

Ayam betutu is a signature dish in Bali, it is available in almost all districts in Bali especially Gilimanuk area. Betutu is served in religious ceremony or traditional ceremony in Bali and now it is also served in certain places like hotels and restaurants.

2. Balinese Mixed Rice

This is actually Balinese people daily staple food but eventually it is getting popular between the travelers in Bali too. Interestingly, the people in Bali has different way in serving Balinese mixed rice.

The steamed rice can be mixed with many side dishes such as chicken, pork, vegetables, sate lilit, ayam betutu, egg, fried chicken skin, mackerel, and completed by sambel matah. Besides rich with fiber this dishes also very delicious.

3. Sate Lilit (Balinese Skewer)

This skewer is actually Balinese traditional foods however this dish is still popular not only among the Balinese but also the tourists. To make Balinese skewer you need to finely chop the meat, mix it with Balinese spices an for the final touch wrap it on the leaves, lemongrass, or bamboo stalk.

The meat used is various, you can use chicken, turtle, pig, or mackerel fish chopped meat. In Bali, almost every dish is seasoned by spices such as orange leaves, coconut milk, garlic, onion, galangal, coriander, turmeric, and pepper.

4. Lawar Kuwir 

This alternative dishes can not be skipped when you visit Bali. This dish is originally mixed with pork however to respect some people who can not eat pork so this dish is modified using duck meat.

Lawar is a chopped long bean vegetable and it is mixed with coconut and spices, it is served with steamed rice and sate lilit. Lawar is classified according to its main ingredient and color.

Furthermore,  lawar kuwir rice is served with meat as companion and make this rice feel more chewy.

5. Serombotan

Serombotan is a low-budget dish which no less delicious compared to other. Using vegetables as the main ingredient, serombotan is mixed with spicy seasoning. The boiled vegetables itself is kale, spinach, eggplant, long beans, bean sprouts, and pare.

You can eat it with rice or ketupat, the serving is completed with griled coconut grated and fried Balinese green peanuts.

This food is derived from the area of ​​Bali, but the serombotan also famous island of Java but has a different name because the island of Java is called as urap (mix vegetable with special seasoning)

6. Jinggo Rice

The rice is wrapped by banana leaf and the size is as big as adult’s fist. Jinggo itself comes from Hokkien language which means 1500 because during 1997 the price of this jinggo rice is 1500 rupiah. This becomes a popular food because it is cheap, spicy, and delicious so this is very suitable for those who like spicy foods.

Jinggo is served with chicken, fried noodle, and fried tempe. You can find jinggo rice in modest and small stands and it is guaranteed that you will not full with only one jinggo rice.

You may also want to read : Famous Local Foods in Bali

7. Tepeng Rice

Gianyar has signature dish which is served quite mushy like porridge named tepeng rice. The highlight is the Balinese spices which is sprinkled on top of the tepeng rice.

Tepeng rice is completed with several vegetables such as long beans, d beans, moringa leaves, young jackfruit, and grated coconut.

As for the side dishes you can choose eggs and fried chicken. This is a good choice especially if you like spicy foods.

8. Tum Ayam 

Tum Yam is another processed meat dish from Bali, the main ingredient is steamed chicken meat but you can also use other meats as an alternative. The meat is seasoned by Balinese spices and it is wrapped by banana leaf.

Javanese people know this as pepes because actually the ingredients and the cooking process is similar with pepes. 

However tum yam and pepes has differences, tum use coconut milk and other Balinese spices.

9. Rujak Bulung

Rujak Bulung is a Balinese special rujak which use seaweed as its main ingredient. Bulung itself means seaweed and this dish is good for digestion.

Besides rich with fiber, seaweed also useful for detoxicate our body because it contains high chlorophyll. This rujak is equipped with burnt grated coconut, galangal, and then pours the pulverized spices.

Furthermore, for almost vegetables blend with this sauce, contains so many vitamins that very useful for body health

10. Tipat Cantok 

This unique dish is not familiar enough for those who live outside Bali but you should try this delicious dish at least once if you visit Bali.

Basically tipat cantok can be founds everywhere in Bali, from small and simple shop to glamorous hotel. Tipat comes from Balinese language which means ketupat meanwhile cantok means crushed (diulek).

The ingredients are long beans, bean sprouts, and kale. To make it more delicious, the vegetables are completed with peanut sauce.

Others :

  • Bagiak : This is not a main dish but its popularity is no joke. Bagiak is made of sago flour, has a hard texture outside but crunchy inside. The size is as big as human’s thumb and it has various flavors: ginger, peanut, milk, and cinnamon.
  • Rujak Kuah Pindang : Rujak or Indonesian spicy salad is originally an appetizer which consists of fruits and spicy chili sauce. However here in Bali, rujak is mixed with mackerel broth and chili sauce. The fruits such as mango, ambarella fruit, yam, and cucumber.
  • Babi Guling (Suckle Pig) : This is another Bali famous dishes, you can find this dish almost everywhere in Bali. The pig is seasoned with turmeric, lemongrass, black-pepper, garlic, etc.
  • Jaja Wajik : Jaja is a term in Bali which means snacks, it is made of glutinous rice and brown sugar. This snack is famous for its sweet and savory taste. Jaja is served in wedding ceremony, read also Rules for Getting Married in Bali
  • Jaja Bendu : This popular traditional snack comes from Jembrana Bali. Jaja bendu is made of glutinous flour, grated coconut, and Balinese sugar, and being wrapped by banana leaf.

Do not forget to check out Delightful Traditional Foods in Ubud Bali. So which one is your favorite Balinese dishes/snacks?  The foods listed above are very tempting and can be added to your must try list if you spend your holiday in Bali. Trust me, it worth a lot!

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