
10 Traditional Markets in Yogyakarta – Best for Shopping

Yogyakarta is a city full of a millions beauty. In addition to beautiful natural attractions, stunning cultural tours, and delicious culinary, Yogyakarta has favorite places to relax as well as shopping for souvenirs or souvenirs and other purposes. There is not only large mall that available in Yogyakarta, but also many traditional markets there. In addition to its low prices, traditional markets are chosen because of its more culinary options. Here is the list of traditional markets in Yogyakarta.

1. Beringharjo
As the oldest and largest traditional market, Beringharjo almost provides whatever visitors desire. Many call Beringharjo as the most beautiful traditional market in Java. But certainly, Beringharjo, in addition to having historical ties with Kraton Jogja and Javanese culture, also became an icon of Jogja tourism as well as Malioboro.

This market located at the southern end of the east side of Jalan Malioboro-Jalan A Yani. As you walk down Malioboro Street towards the south, the Beringharjo Market is on the left side. The sign is quite easy, when on the edge of the road began to see a crowd of fruit merchants, merchants accessories and snacks, then that’s where Beringharjo is located. You can shop anything in item or wholesale here. However, do not forget to issue your bargaining skills.

2. Malioboro

Malioboro is known as one of the shopping center in Jogja which is already very popular among tourists. Walking along Malioboro will certainly make you want to buy various goods that exist, ranging from ethnic accessories, souvenirs of Jogja, paintings, and interesting shadow puppets.

A variety of pretty trinkets will certainly make you more freely to choose the desired goods, do not forget to bid below the price offered in order to get goods at a cheaper price. In addition to a variety of handicrafts and batik, you can also shop in modern shopping centers that are located along Malioboro Street. Don’t forget to try the night culinary in this place too.

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3. Klithikan Pakuncen Market of Yogyakarta

Pasar Klithikan Pakuncen is known as a paradise of used goods in Yogyakarta. Although now split in various places that also peddle used goods, it seems Klithikan Market is still charming for lovers of used goods to shop. Klithikan Market provides a variety of used goods such as motorcycle and car parts, used clothing, mobile phones are also available in this market.

This market was originally only a peddle share of used goods but as the number of traders increased and the increase of visitors made this market not only filled with stolen goods. Many new products are also offered in this market.

4. Prawirotaman Market

Prawirotaman Market is one of traditional market which is located at Jl. Parangtritis No. 103 Prawirotaman, Mantrijeron, Yogyakarta. Like traditional markets in general, Prawirotaman Market sells a variety of basic needs and daily food needs. The building area of Prawirotaman Market is around 2,007.00 m2 and has around 507 traders. In this market, you can buy various kinds of traditional cake.

Tropical fruits will also meet you a lot here. In addition to its strategic location, the culinary variety offered in this market also becomes an attraction for foreign tourists who stay at the hotel near this market.

5. Demangan Market

Demangan Market is located on Jl. Gejayan No. 28 Demangan, Sleman, is one of the traditional markets that still exist in Yogyakarta. The market has undergone renovations several times to add toilets, mosques, banks, offices, and also repair temporary dumps. Around Demangan Market are also many shops that sell shoes, plastic stores, electronics, and others.

Around this market has built some modern shops that sell various equipment or household goods. As traditional markets in general here certainly most sell a variety of basic needs of household or daily food needs. For those of you who are lonely in Sleman area this market might be your alternative to buy basic necessities every day.

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6. Pasar Seni Gabusan
There are other ways to enjoy the art work of the citizens of Bantul without having to exhausted to explore every hamlet that produce it, by visiting the Art Market Gabusan. The market located at Jalan Parangtritis km 9 is for the last 2 years has become the center of buying and selling handicrafts from all Bantul. Not just a market, Gabusan is also equipped with other facilities, such as snack places, access to information technology stores daily needs.

Since its inception, Gabusan was designed to open access of craftsmen to the international market. Therefore, unlike other markets, the market designs that accommodate about 444 craftsmen are also international. The design of this market building not only involves the architects in the country, but also abroad, of course by highlighting local architecture. Divided into 16 stalls, Gabusan sells handicrafts from a variety of basic materials, ranging from leather, metal, wood, clay to water hyacinth.

7. Pasar Satwa dan Tanaman Hias Yogyakarta (PASTY)

This is unique Jogja. This city is not just a shopping paradise for hunters of fashion and unique souvenirs, but also for those who want living things to be nurtured. Just come to PASTY, Animal Market and Ornamental Plants of Yogyakarta which is located at Jalan Raya Bantul KM 1, Dongkelan. As you walk down the streets of PASTY, you will feel a market atmosphere similar to a zoo, as it is filled with various animals that are traded. There are various types of birds, dogs, cats, poultry, reptiles, and ornamental fish. You can also easily find your pet needs here.

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8. SunMor (Sunday Morning)

Not every day this UGM Spill Market is open. The market that has a famous name “SunMor” (Sunday Morning) is only open every Sunday at 05:00 to 12:00. If you are in Jogja, stop by for a moment to this periodic market. The goods sold here include clothing, batik handicrafts, bags, shoes, and various household needs. Not just shopping, here we can also eat breakfast by trying the foods sold here. Besides the price is cheaper than shopping at the mall, we can also bargain while in this SunMor. Don’t forget to apply your bargaining skill as much as possible if you want shopping in this place.

9. Manding

If you like to collect wallets, shoes, or bags made of leathe, it will be a recommended place to visit. In Jogja there is a leather craft center that is quite famous, namely Manding. The price of goods sold in Manding is relatively cheaper than buying leather products in modern shopping centers.

Location of Manding is located in the south of Yogyakarta, precisely in Jalan Parangtritis KM 11, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The advantages of shopping in Manding are his goods are negotiable. Especially if you buy in large quantities you can ask the wholesale price to the trader.

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10. Sentra Kerajinan Batik Desa Wisata Krebet

Usually you learn to make batik using cloth media. But in Bantul, you can make batik using wood media. Wooden batik crafts in Krebet has been going on since the 70s. The location of this wooden batik tour is in Hamlet Krebet, Sendangsari Village, District Pajangan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The rustic atmosphere surrounded by teak forest adds to the fun of visiting tourists.

On the left-right of the street are many signboards bearing the batik studio. The pieces of wood as a medium of batik media reinforce that Krebet is a center of wooden batik in Yogyakarta. One of the Batik studios that visitors can visit is Sanggar Punokawan. The cost for studying wooden batik is Rp 30,000 per participant. Traveler will get wood media that has been carved into a mask or puppet.

Those are the list of traditional markets in Yogyakarta. Make sure to apply your bargaining skill to get the lower cheap while sopping. You could also buy as much as souvenirs that identically familiar with Yogyakarta there. So, prepare your money and don’t be over budget.

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